1428412 The couple carved their initials into the oak tree. CK 1 1898057 Tom carved his initials on the large oak tree in front of the school. CK 1 2845856 Tom likes carving pipes. Hybrid 2199656 Can you carve the chicken? Hybrid 299661 He carved designs in ivory. CK 297725 He carved me a wooden doll. CK 2818946 Tom and Mary carved pumpkins. Hybrid 2818958 We had a a pumpkin-carving party. Hybrid 1415006 He carved a Buddha statue from wood. BooMie 1421289 The boy carved his name in the tree. CK 268049 The boy carved his name on the tree. CK 303472 He carved a Buddhist image out of wood. CM 1769499 The host carved the turkey for the guests. wwkudu 1421297 Tony carved his name in a tree with a knife. CK 37734 Tony carved his name on a tree with a knife. CK 1428418 The couples carved their initials in oak trees. CM 1428414 The couple carved their initials in an oak tree. CK