938615 He plans to buy a new bicycle. CK 792542 I rode my bicycle a lot today. ryanthewired 62463 Ken painted his bicycle white. CK 703250 Mom and Dad gave me a bicycle. papabear 3039933 Tom was in a bicycle accident. CK 264501 Will you lend me your bicycle? CK 1550977 A car is faster than a bicycle. FiRez 319206 Father bought me a new bicycle. CK 46957 Get the bicycle out of the way. CK 1722900 Have you ever ridden a bicycle? Amastan 264493 I got the bicycle at a bargain. CK 253629 I got this bicycle for nothing. CK 259605 I rode my bicycle to the store. CK 264502 I was asked to fix the bicycle. CK 251044 Keep your hands off my bicycle. CK 320753 Mother bought me a new bicycle. CM 320790 My mother can't ride a bicycle. CK 1494010 That girl can't ride a bicycle. CK 2582872 The police found Tom's bicycle. mhattick 2627830 The tire on my bicycle is flat. Dejo 3171437 Tom got that bicycle from Mary. CK 776000 Would you lend me your bicycle? CK 2541585 All of my friends have bicycles. CK 265440 Cars took the place of bicycles. CK 938616 He intends to buy a new bicycle. CK 258211 I must have my bicycle repaired. CK 1169475 Jack can't afford a new bicycle. Nero 2627925 One of my bicycle tires is flat. CK 482501 She was nearly hit by a bicycle. blay_paul 39080 The bicycle by the door is mine. CK 2821283 Tom rides his bicycle to school. CK 17101 Your bicycle is similar to mine. CK 938614 He is going to buy a new bicycle. CK 301818 He'll come on foot or by bicycle. CK 32376 Mayuko goes to school by bicycle. CK 276853 The boy begged for a new bicycle. CK 2540796 Tom put oil on the bicycle chain. CK 2540794 Tom rides his bicycle everywhere. CK 70611 Your bicycle is better than mine. CK 255506 I usually go to school by bicycle. CK 2540388 Tom is happy with his new bicycle. CK 244608 Yesterday I had my bicycle stolen. CK 281230 Bicycles keep to the left in Japan. CM 282265 Don't keep the bicycle in the barn. CM 257848 I had my bicycle stolen last night. CK 257149 I had my brother repair my bicycle. CK 68290 That bicycle belongs to our school. Ulquiorra 323587 The bicycle under the tree is mine. CK 883016 The boys' bicycle is in the garage. alexmarcelo 637097 Don't leave the bicycle in the rain. darinmex