English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Bicycle" in Example Sentences
Page 3

1027367	Like many other students, Tom rides a bicycle to school.	CK	1
1867844	Tom took off his bicycle helmet and put it on the table.	CK	1
1024317	Tom put new pedals on the bicycle that he rides to school.	CK	1
1029082	Tom doesn't know whether Mary will come by car or by bicycle.	CK	1
25972	A lot of bicycles are illegally parked in front of the station.	CK	1
1027668	Yesterday, when Tom was backing up his car, he ran over Mary's bicycle.	CK	1
1095559	Tom can't ride a bicycle very well yet, so his bicycle has training wheels.	CK	1
288172	He has a bicycle.	mamat
741256	He has no bicycle.	Eldad
1548366	She has a bicycle.	CM
3360645	Tom has a bicycle.	CK
524417	He found my bicycle.	wma
1444950	Her bicycle is blue.	CM
386701	His bicycle is blue.	Mouseneb
703079	I have a new bicycle.	papabear
942303	That bicycle is mine.	spockofvulcan
258203	I must ride a bicycle.	CK
264503	Put away your bicycle.	CK
543535	Whose bicycle is that?	darinmex
314580	Can she ride a bicycle?	CK
298480	He is riding a bicycle.	CK
726369	That bicycle isn't his.	Guybrush88
55836	This is Mike's bicycle.	CK
34498	Bill can ride a bicycle.	CK
298482	Can't he ride a bicycle?	CK
258212	I had my bicycle stolen.	CK
2545806	Tom has a black bicycle.	CK
1078197	Vito is a bicycle thief.	Scott
264484	Can't you ride a bicycle?	CK
3330645	I borrowed Tom's bicycle.	CK
314578	She can't ride a bicycle.	CK
643839	He rode his bicycle there.	Nero
264498	May I borrow your bicycle?	CK
32374	Mayuko can ride a bicycle.	CK
2821478	Tom is riding his bicycle.	CK
3329759	Can I have my bicycle back?	CK
66712	Did you buy a nice bicycle?	CK
306084	Each of them has a bicycle.	CK
386691	He painted his bicycle red.	Mouseneb
260412	I got him to fix my bicycle.	CK
490037	I got this bicycle for free.	CK
269178	I want to buy a new bicycle.	CK
2957599	Tom oiled his bicycle chain.	CK
3170602	Tom painted his bicycle red.	CK
2543251	All my friends have bicycles.	CK
1477152	Can you lend me your bicycle?	weihaiping
312234	She can't ride a bicycle yet.	CK
1948391	The car replaced the bicycle.	linguine
2507900	Where can I leave my bicycle?	Guybrush88
1866369	Elephants can't ride bicycles.	ryanwhiting