1357070 Dogs bark. sacredceltic 1 2252571 The dog barked. CK 1 239127 A dog is barking. CK 1 2280300 I don't hear barking. CK 1 2547065 The dog barked at Tom. CK 1 2546918 Tom's dog barks a lot. CK 1 29918 Barking dogs seldom bite. CK 1 1258687 Does your dog bark at Tom? CK 1 1663882 The dog is barking at Tom. Amastan 1 1543590 Tom's dog was barking at Mary. CK 1 48282 The dog kept barking all night. CK 1 1092790 Tom thought he heard a dog barking. CK 1 325946 The dog next door is always barking. CK 1 2539683 The neighbor's dog barked all night. CK 1 280701 All of a sudden, a dog began barking. Nero 1 325944 The dog next door kept barking all night. CK 1 277007 Tom trained his dog to bark at strangers. CK 1 48276 As soon as the dog saw me, it began to bark. CK 1 1040713 I think Tom has been barking up the wrong tree. CK 1 1095059 Tom couldn't sleep because the neighbor's dog barked all night. CK 1 2509656 Did the dog bark? alvations 434656 Dogs are barking. lukaszpp 2482132 The dog is barking. alvations 1662194 The dog is barking. Amastan 2509601 The old dog barked. alvations 285995 His dog barks at me. CK 1306024 This dog barks a lot. CK 2601523 Barking dogs never bite. CK 2545852 The dog started barking. CK 2545851 The dog stopped barking. CK 295968 He heard the dog barking. CK 2948366 His dog is barking at me. AlanF_US 869470 My dog barks all the time. alexmarcelo 1550026 The dogs barked all night. miflhanc 48277 The dog always barks at me. CK 3317920 Birch trees have white bark. danepo 3317907 Birch trees have white bark. CK 48232 The dog barks at a stranger. CK 70727 Your dog always barks at me. CK 239190 A dog will bark at strangers. CK 316991 She is afraid of barking dogs. CK 239129 The dog barked at the mailman. CK 49434 The noise set the dog barking. CM 33764 Barking dogs don't always bite. NekoKanjya 48253 The dog barked at the stranger. CK 48256 The dog barks at all strangers. CK 321249 Don't be afraid of barking dogs. CK 285421 His bark is worse than his bite. CK 22603 I'm not a toothless barking dog. NekoKanjya 2642456 One of the dogs started barking. CK