2549517 I'm aware of it. CK 1 2549078 I'm aware of that. CK 1 2548398 I was aware of that. CK 1 2953899 We're aware of that. CK 1 2547230 I'm aware of all that. CK 1 2713605 I'm aware of the fact. CK 1 2546774 I wasn't aware of that. CK 1 2546637 I'm aware of the facts. CK 1 2546636 I'm aware of the risks. CK 1 2546480 I'm well aware of that. CK 1 2546024 I'm fully aware of that. CK 1 2545926 I'm quite aware of that. CK 1 254424 I was aware of that fact. CK 1 2545430 I'm aware of the problem. CK 1 2544218 I'm aware of the situation. CK 1 2544217 I'm aware of your problems. CK 1 2544048 I'm well aware of the risk. CK 1 1025080 Tom is aware of the danger. CK 1 2953900 We're aware of the problem. CK 1 2543612 I'm aware of its importance. CK 1 1293290 He's aware of his own faults. CK 1 2543037 I'm aware of the possibility. CK 1 2543023 I'm fully aware of that fact. CK 1 322009 We weren't aware of the time. CK 1 2953902 We're aware of the situation. CK 1 2951509 Are you aware of any problems? CK 1 2542473 I'm aware of that possibility. CK 1 2542472 I'm aware of the difficulties. CK 1 2542471 I'm aware of what is at stake. CK 1 2542337 I'm sure Tom is aware of that. CK 1 2663360 I'm well aware of the problem. CK 1 295019 He must be aware of the danger. CK 1 290658 He was not aware of the danger. CK 1 3226488 Tom wasn't aware of the danger. CK 1 2541411 I'm aware of the risks involved. CK 1 2541283 I'm well aware of the situation. CK 1 2663250 Tom wasn't aware of the problem. CK 1 3129727 Are you aware of what's happened? CK 1 2541059 I wasn't aware Tom had done that. CK 1 2540974 I'm aware of my responsibilities. CK 1 267843 The girl was aware of the danger. CK 1 2452049 Tom is aware of his shortcomings. sharptoothed 1 1024747 Tom is well aware of the problem. CK 1 2540548 I'm aware you've already finished. CK 1 1025038 Tom is fully aware of the problem. CK 1 1023999 Tom was aware of the difficulties. CK 1 2540147 I'm aware of what is at stake here. CK 1 313094 She may not be aware of the danger. CK 1 1495741 Are you aware that Tom doesn't like you? CK 1 306642 They were not aware that I was not there. CK 1