289927 He came back last August. CK 1 310079 She was born in 1946, on August 19, in California. CK 1 247844 We went camping in August. adjusting 287129 His birthday is August 21st. CK 53148 Jack was born on August tenth. CK 574180 There are no classes in August. FeuDRenais 72325 There is no school during August. CK 426523 Jack was born on August the tenth. blay_paul 807255 In August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait. Source_VOA 59408 This offer expires on August 15, 1999. CK 803172 He spoke to the nation on August eighth. Source_VOA 385368 She said she will go to Paris in August. Mouseneb 807440 Congress approved the plan in August 1969. Source_VOA 1079571 In August, I'm going to Japan with my friends. keira_n 262605 Our teacher will return from abroad in August. CK 243069 This year there were few rainy days in August. CM 282675 He left for England at the beginning of August. CK 361349 I'm going to Japan with my girlfriend in August. blay_paul 807650 In late August, the Allied forces captured Paris. Source_VOA 314132 She told me that she would go to Paris in August. CK 456347 Many stores offer discounts in the month of August. lukaszpp 805303 The discovery took place on a warm August day in 1896. Source_VOA 480242 On the fifteenth of August, thousands of people fly kites. minshirui 35718 A party will be held next Saturday, that is to say, on August 25th. CM 277862 Many of the city's leading restaurants close down for the whole of August. CK