54869 This is an ancient law. papabear 1 29422 Rome has a lot of ancient buildings. CK 1 2450021 I've become very interested in ancient art. sharptoothed 1 239873 In ancient times, plagues killed many people. CK 1 25834 You can see the ancient ruins in the distance. CK 1 239872 The ancient Greeks knew as much about the solar system as we do. CK 1 3231256 These ruins are ancient. CK 2450031 Oh, that's ancient history! sharptoothed 680196 Do you like ancient history? Source_VOA 2439770 I like learning ancient languages. Eldad 2439768 I like to learn ancient languages. Eldad 71883 Achilles was an ancient Greek hero. CK 2327497 The children broke the ancient urn. Hybrid 681549 Ancient people lived close to nature. Source_VOA 58578 This custom dates from ancient times. CM 322692 Democracy originated in Ancient Greece. CK 68197 That castle was built in ancient times. CK 296138 He wrote a novel based on ancient myths. CM 34600 The pyramids were built in ancient times. CM 1106904 Cats were sacred animals in ancient Egypt. Scott 296137 He is well acquainted with ancient history. CK 319121 My father is interested in ancient history. CK 243022 Ancient customs are dying out quickly today. CM 29411 Rome is famous for its ancient architecture. CK 682387 The museum has an exhibit of ancient weapons. Source_VOA 1773979 Looters stole ancient artifacts from the tomb. Spamster 1270784 Why did ancient Egyptians love jewels so much? CM 877919 Ancient people liked to tell stories of bravery. alexmarcelo 1336989 Rivers were the ancient form of sewage disposal. marco87 680197 They found an ancient bowl from 2,000 years ago. Source_VOA 23008 We discovered relics of an ancient civilization. spockofvulcan 807658 Petroleum has been important since ancient times. Source_VOA 681008 The Coliseum was the former arena in ancient Rome. Source_VOA 1829508 Ancient archeological sites are under threat in Syria. Spamster 239874 Salt was a rare and costly commodity in ancient times. CM 1858698 "Tom and Mary have broken up." "That's ancient history." CK 1499934 In ancient times people believed that the earth was flat. emory989 513429 Democracy is an idea that goes back to the ancient Greeks. darinmex 239883 New facts about ancient China have recently come to light. CM 28803 We must try to preserve the remains of ancient civilizations. CM 239876 Ancient astronomers noticed constellations and gave them names. Zifre 680195 Tom is studying the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean. Source_VOA 44923 The exhibition offers profound insights into ancient civilization. CM 57211 We can get a glimpse of the life style of ancient people from this wall painting. CM