680192 Tom's ancestors came from Africa. Source_VOA 1 744529 I can trace my ancestors back 200 years. darinmex 1 1024234 Tom says he can trace his ancestors back about 300 years. CK 1 680193 Where are your ancestors from? Source_VOA 44183 That tribe worships its ancestors. CK 681369 My name links me with my ancestors. Source_VOA 287016 His ancestors went there from Ireland. CK 1882860 Your ancestors are buried at this church. Eldad 680271 My ancestors hoped to find political asylum. Source_VOA 65539 Our family has some distinguished ancestors. CM 680194 Our ancestors came here over a hundred years ago. Source_VOA 247627 Our ancestors came to this country 150 years ago. Dejo 1038323 Our ancestors arrived in this country 150 years ago. Eldad 1463261 All humans on Earth are descended from a common ancestor. darinmex 1632239 We did not evolve from monkeys. We share a common ancestor. Spamster 847215 Our ancestors developed massive jaws as a result of constant combat. Source_Benedict_1921