258477 I don't drink alcohol. CK 1 58872 This car runs on alcohol. CK 1 952860 The blood alcohol limit for drunken driving is .08 percent in Texas. CK 1 1258667 May I drink alcohol? CM 2199755 You reek of alcohol. Hybrid 64387 Do you drink alcohol? CK 890386 I can't drink alcohol. Scott 2803037 Tom reeked of alcohol. Hybrid 2163045 My dad gave up alcohol. erikspen 67306 Don't drink any alcohol. CK 288897 He never drinks alcohol. CK 2853038 Tom never drinks alcohol. CK 1578736 Alcohol damages the liver. CM 295420 He abstained from alcohol. CM 2334933 Alcohol lowers inhibitions. Hybrid 1158609 He drinks too much alcohol. Guybrush88 1258666 Is it OK if I drink alcohol? CM 2985541 Rub Tom's back with alcohol. sharptoothed 60620 This beer contains 5% alcohol. CK 327270 Pale ale is a low-alcohol beer. CK 511181 Do you have alcohol-free drinks? boracasli 1484783 No alcohol is allowed on campus. Spamster 2707358 Alcohol is also cheap in Germany. Hybrid 1413349 I'm not allowed to drink alcohol. CK 35480 Bacteria will not breed in alcohol. CM 1959359 Do you have drinks without alcohol? Flargus 1553025 You don't need alcohol to be happy. alexmarcelo 285533 His doctor told him not to drink alcohol. CK 266123 Don't drive under the influence of alcohol. CK 33346 Drunk in moderation, alcohol is not harmful. CK 67312 Alcohol consumption is increasing every year. CK 28097 The doctor advised him to ease up on alcohol. Nero 299266 He was driving under the influence of alcohol. CK 2662741 Tom has a history of alcohol and drug problems. CK 2944296 Never swim while under the influence of alcohol. Hybrid 2718456 Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause birth defects. Hybrid 1215786 Alcohol does not solve any problems, but neither does milk. PeterR 250427 In my opinion, alcohol is not necessarily bad for your health. CK 1084423 Electronic components can be cleaned using pure isopropyl alcohol. CM 28081 My physician advised me to refrain from alcohol for the time being. NekoKanjya 1085707 Electronic components can be cleaned by using pure isopropyl alcohol. laura_dono 67622 In the U.S., you usually have to show identification in order to buy alcohol. CK 1552788 Some people can't seem to understand that I don't need alcohol to have a good time. wrarshad91 1141313 The World Health Organization says alcohol abuse is the third leading cause of death and disability in the world. Source_VOA 1141314 There are four main causes of alcohol-related death. Injury from car accidents or violence is one. Diseases like cirrhosis of the liver, cancer, heart and blood system diseases are the others. Source_VOA