English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "A" in Example Sentences
Page 864

305481	They hadn't gone very far when they met an old man.	CK
305073	They have enough capital to build a second factory.	CK
305830	They held a party in honor of the famous scientist.	CK
1033584	They replaced the broken television with a new one.	shadowsofpegasus
802678	They said he was still weak from a recent sickness.	Source_VOA
1584118	They tried to use an iron bar to pry open the lock.	trieuho
1964176	They want us to believe that we are in a democracy.	Eldad
306360	They went to a resort in the mountains last summer.	CK
306899	They worked hard in order to develop a new machine.	CM
61314	This air conditioner consumes a lot of electricity.	Eldad
542562	This book is so easy that even a child can read it.	CK
60274	This caterpillar will become a beautiful butterfly.	CK
564494	This climate is having a bad effect on your health.	FeuDRenais
2268910	This cloth stretches a great deal when it's washed.	_undertoad
269063	This is a limited time offer to new customers only.	CM
3028300	This is a picture of me when I was three years old.	CK
2268940	This is an express train. It won't make many stops.	_undertoad
1679426	This is the first time I've read a book in Chinese.	Amastan
56221	This is the house where I lived when I was a child.	CK
3226491	This is way too dangerous for a child to play with.	CK
56534	This medicine will ensure you a good night's sleep.	CM
838675	This novel was written by a famous American writer.	Scott
805411	This photo shows a man who owns a small food store.	Source_VOA
60732	This tie is not suitable for a situation like this.	CK
72668	Three babies crying incessantly gave me a headache.	CM
1454079	To learn a foreign language requires a lot of time.	LittleBoy
3171776	Tom and I have a lot more in common than I thought.	CK
2639956	Tom and Mary are having a little financial trouble.	CK
3347730	Tom and Mary have been an item for a few weeks now.	patgfisher
1397753	Tom and Mary live in a seedy rundown neighbourhood.	Spamster
2955818	Tom and Mary need to take a break from one another.	CK
2639950	Tom and Mary sat there a long time without talking.	CK
2639948	Tom and Mary walked out of the building in a hurry.	CK
2537483	Tom and Mary were sitting at a table in the corner.	CK
2639947	Tom and Mary were sitting on a bench near the pond.	CK
3154760	Tom ate a piece of toast and drank a cup of coffee.	CK
2639944	Tom came into the lounge, carrying a cup of coffee.	CK
2956196	Tom came into the room, carrying a bunch of flowers	CK
1026804	Tom can't decide whether to buy a Toyota or a Ford.	CK
2956328	Tom considers himself to be a citizen of the world.	CK
2956509	Tom didn't have enough money to buy Mary a present.	CK
3089504	Tom didn't want to admit he had a drinking problem.	CK
2930081	Tom entered the office carrying an armload of mail.	CK
2610857	Tom fell asleep at the wheel and hit a street lamp.	Hybrid
2639940	Tom felt Mary's forehead to see if she had a fever.	CK
3171552	Tom finally came up with a solution to the problem.	CK
1094071	Tom followed the stream for a couple of kilometers.	CK
2639939	Tom gave Mary a quick kiss and walked out the door.	CK
3171435	Tom got up an hour earlier than usual this morning.	CK
3037516	Tom grabbed a coffee and muffin on his way to work.	Hybrid