251919 My sister asked Father to buy a new bicycle. CM 245576 My sister sang an English song at the party. CK 251376 My son always gets sick when he rides a bus. CK 1166787 My uncle gave me a friendly piece of advice. CK 65070 My uncle has a flower shop near the station. CK 244154 My wife gave me a sign from across the room. CK 1908382 My wife is going out of town for a few days. Spamster 551384 Myanmar is ruled by a military dictatorship. darinmex 270723 Mystery novels are loved by a lot of people. CM 54760 Never have I read such an interesting story. CM 24507 No man can be a patriot on an empty stomach. NekoKanjya 805316 No one expected him to be a candidate again. Source_VOA 21153 Nobody wants to work outdoors on a cold day. CK 18322 Not a single cloud could be seen in the sky. avandivai 2662826 Not every problem has an immediate solution. CK 24344 Nothing beats a big glass of beer in summer. NekoKanjya 2890220 Nothing can take the place of an old friend. sharptoothed 2662825 Obviously, there was a problem of some sort. CK 24137 On my way home, I came across an old friend. Nero 681510 Once a month, she has lunch with her father. Source_VOA 33059 Only a few members turned up at the meeting. CK 3071590 Our car was a total loss after the accident. sharptoothed 322869 Our daughter burned her finger with a match. CK 247389 Our garbage is collected three times a week. CK 1477248 Our request for a pay raise was turned down. CK 1292996 Our team returned home after a huge victory. CK 898591 Pavlov rang a bell whenever he fed his dogs. CK 876002 Pedro has a motorcycle and loves to ride it. papabear 270036 People as a whole don't do things like that. CK 2042033 Please be ready in about half an hour, okay? FlamingTofu 61501 Please bring this gentleman a glass of beer. CK 1981836 Please give me a Band-Aid and some medicine. CK 48988 Please let me have a look at those pictures. CK 71815 Please remind me to write a letter tomorrow. Nero 1159318 Please use a pencil to write down your name. emmettricks 807507 President McKinley sent an immediate answer. Source_VOA 47817 Quite a few people turned out for the event. CM 1550197 Reading a book can be compared to a journey. serach 2959205 Reflect on it a while. You'll see I'm right. sharptoothed 659311 Revenge is a dish which is best served cold. Vortarulo 29335 Robert got a small proportion of the profit. CK 53925 Sandra has grown up to be a beautiful woman. CK 310385 She always takes her grandmother for a walk. CK 309927 She bandaged his finger with a handkerchief. CK 315163 She contributed an article to the newspaper. CK 314642 She earns a living by selling her paintings. CK 315437 She folded colored paper into a paper crane. CM 315107 She has a ring whose value is beyond belief. CM 310919 She is a natural to play the part of Juliet. CM 308381 She is a new addition to the teaching staff. CK