English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "A" in Example Sentences
Page 736

318857	My father has been out of work for a year.	CK
461165	My father is going for a walk in the park.	jeanne
251355	My grandfather takes a walk every morning.	CK
2751029	My grandfather was a justice of the peace.	sharptoothed
890172	My legs hurt because I walked a lot today.	Scott
502915	My son took a piece of candy from the box.	CK
1212637	Naoki was poor and lived in a small cabin.	Scott
54626	Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.	CM
65277	No one bakes a finer apple pie than Emily.	CK
2684545	No, I'm not a teacher. I'm only a student.	FeuDRenais
1126563	Nobody had seen such a beautiful painting.	nadsat
20236	Noriko really is a nice person, isn't she?	CK
2959239	Not a ray of light could reach the closet.	sharptoothed
2554161	Nowadays, you can't buy much for a dollar.	DiscoNostalgia
33036	Only a few students understood the matter.	CM
1137193	Our escape was nothing short of a miracle.	nadsat
881620	Paul was reading a short story last night.	alexmarcelo
2891802	Perhaps you should've gotten a bigger one.	CK
64249	Please feel free to have a second helping.	CK
296715	Recently he's become a really nice person.	CK
240640	Reckless driving will lead to an accident.	CM
807454	Remington was a cowboy for only two years.	Source_VOA
29705	Rika had a good time singing at the party.	CK
53949	Sally gave me a good piece of information.	CM
53947	Sally has been on a diet since last month.	CK
53968	Sarah demanded that she be given a refund.	CK
53876	Shakespeare was a contemporary of Marlowe.	CM
310455	She always has a serious look on her face.	CK
312142	She bought a hair brush and a tooth brush.	CK
311838	She bought six yards of cloth for a dress.	CM
1588672	She brought me a cup of tea without sugar.	CM
315853	She dwelled on the matter for a long time.	CM
312087	She exercises every day at a fitness club.	Eldad
501844	She fell in love with a Russian immigrant.	testdog
311013	She gave me a lovely watch, but I lost it.	CK
310174	She got a master's degree three years ago.	CK
314871	She had a little round object in her hand.	Hellerick
308816	She had good reason to file for a divorce.	CK
317433	She has a great affection for her parents.	CM
312860	She has a great interest in house keeping.	CM
543551	She has a tattoo of a lizard on her thigh.	darinmex
316593	She has an extraordinary ability in music.	Nina
315307	She has grown into a beautiful young lady.	CK
1542255	She is a particularily interesting person.	SHamp
325781	She is an expert when it comes to cooking.	CM
2761833	She is holding a ladle with her left hand.	mervert1
308599	She is more an acquaintance than a friend.	CM
312896	She is not so much a singer as a comedian.	CM
312886	She is not so much a singer as an actress.	Nero
311036	She keeps a record of everything she buys.	CK