238364 The police forced a confession from her. CK 23354 The question before us is an urgent one. NekoKanjya 44192 The room has been empty for a long time. CK 21537 The school drains the pool once a month. CK 50349 The soccer game attracted a large crowd. CK 2327392 The soldier returned home on a furlough. Hybrid 325303 The storm had a bad impact on the crops. CM 24302 The summer vacation is only a week away. Zifre 47666 The task will be accomplished in a year. CM 325575 The travelers stayed at a seaside hotel. CK 47797 The treasure lay hidden for a long time. Nero 36944 The truck made a sharp turn to the left. CK 682325 The village does not have a post office. Source_VOA 410801 The words were from a very old language. blay_paul 34973 There are a lot of beach bums in Hawaii. Lachy 562137 There are a lot of breweries in Bavaria. CK 1436872 There are a lot of bridges in this city. caspian 240419 There are a lot of children in the park. CK 568994 There are a lot of earthquakes in Japan. FeuDRenais 281280 There are a lot of hot springs in Japan. CK 2640893 There has to be a better way to do this. CK 60597 There is a bit of whisky in this bottle. CM 34563 There is a car in front of the building. CK 24168 There is a garden in front of the house. CK 24180 There is a hut at the back of our house. CK 287449 There is a lot of furniture in his room. CK 954384 There is a museum just north of the zoo. CK 400161 There is a picture that he himself drew. CK 1650514 There is a stranger in the meeting room. Amastan 1836483 There is a toy shop in the neighborhood. Bah_Dure 277212 There is little danger of an earthquake. CK 270785 There is quite a bit of water remaining. CM 28366 There used to be a big pond around here. CK 18671 There was a big fire in my neighborhood. piksea 43972 There was a flag at the top of the pole. Dejo 1522188 There was a food fight in the cafeteria. Spamster 274175 There was a light burning in the window. CM 326519 There was a momentary pause in the talk. CM 47007 There was a parade going by at the time. Nero 2662967 There was a problem with the thermostat. CK 309504 There was a trace of anger in her voice. CM 1494755 There was an abandoned car by the river. AKINCI81 682118 There were a dozen suspects in the case. Source_VOA 320260 There were a hat and a coat on the wall. CK 2259493 There were a hundred people in the hall. _undertoad 1126219 There were a lot of people on the beach. CK 3315197 There's a big pile of mail on your desk. CK 680653 There's a degree of stress in every job. Source_VOA 1452572 There's a little whiskey in this bottle. CK 2268718 There's a lot of traffic on that street. _undertoad