423222 Better a small fish than an empty dish. CK 34593 Bill, did you take Spot for a walk yet? CK 807404 Bill's father was a traveling salesman. Source_VOA 953148 Biting your fingernails is a bad habit. CK 3170751 Black is a very common color for shoes. CK 33260 Bob can no more swim than a hammer can. CM 33172 Bob entered the house through a window. CK 621930 Boxers have to weigh in before a fight. darinmex 27356 Boys, as a rule, are taller than girls. CK 807347 Burr decided not to wait for an answer. Source_VOA 39326 But of course that was a long time ago. CM 275694 Can I get a connecting flight to Osaka? CM 281651 Can I hire a guide who speaks Japanese? CM 3329607 Can I speak to you for a moment please? CK 1477146 Can I use your dictionary for a minute? weihaiping 247972 Can we reach a consensus on this issue? CM 2959487 Can you quote me a price for the house? sharptoothed 995847 Can you teach me how to play a ukulele? Guybrush88 3329703 Can you watch the kids for a few hours? CK 704679 Can you wrap it up for me? It's a gift. papabear 245821 Children need a happy home environment. CK 1871788 Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Spamster 23449 Compared to our house, his is a palace. NekoKanjya 3311881 Could you please drive a little faster? CK 34796 Could you please issue me a visa again? CK 31318 Could you speak a little louder please? Eldad 268738 Did you have a good time at the dinner? CM 2951620 Did you know that Tom bought a new car? CK 57203 Did you see a brown wallet around here? CK 238523 Didn't you promise never to tell a lie? CM 680430 Do you have a bright light for reading? Source_VOA 2220980 Do you have a date for Valentine's day? Hybrid 3343237 Do you have a nail file I could borrow? CK 2890286 Do you have a pocketknife I can borrow? sharptoothed 70655 Do you have a recent photo of yourself? Zifre 38251 Do you know a good place to have lunch? CK 69123 Do you know that man with a big hat on? CK 69301 Do you take me for a complete beginner? CM 277776 Do you want a boiled egg for breakfast? CK 2483344 Does Tom have a good command of French? sharptoothed 318505 Don't despise a man because he is poor. CM 63555 Don't forget to take a camera with you. CK 21971 Don't judge a person by his appearance. Swift 2959457 Don't raise your voice above a whisper. sharptoothed 65286 Emi gave her seat to a handicapped man. CK 705195 Everyone aspires to have a better life. Eldad 2215028 Finnish is a very interesting language. freddy1 34371 Fox missed a chance to be a movie star. Swift 679830 Fresh coffee will be ready in a minute. CK 1953272 Give him an inch and he'll take a mile. CK