41285 Don't repeat such a careless mistake. CM 706918 Don't take it seriously. It's a joke. papabear 27470 Don't try to do two things at a time. NekoKanjya 41558 Don't worry about such a silly thing. Swift 26277 English is an international language. CK 3315263 Everybody is expecting a big a bonus. CK 276424 Everybody wants to live a happy life. CK 2265957 Find out what kind of a person he is. _undertoad 869572 Football players make a lot of money. papabear 1787762 Frank Sinatra was an American singer. Amastan 34083 Fred spent all day looking for a job. CK 63641 French is spoken in a part of Canada. CK 681917 Gas is an important natural resource. Source_VOA 3154044 Give me a call when you get a chance. CK 3154036 Giving Tom a bicycle was a good idea. CK 30065 Go early in order to get a good seat. CM 1722890 Have you ever read a book in Chinese? Amastan 1220286 Have you ever used a Dvorak keyboard? Nero 679831 Have you set a date for your wedding? CK 295132 He advocates a revision of the rules. CK 303801 He approached the boy reading a book. CK 35947 He brought me a piece of information. CK 293100 He came near being run over by a car. CK 404609 He came to Japan when he was a child. CK 502633 He came to see me in a different way. CK 294121 He climbed up the tree like a monkey. CK 298408 He comes and sees me once in a while. CK 715602 He could face a ten-year prison term. Guybrush88 299539 He crossed the river in a small boat. CK 284705 He doesn't have a dry sense of humor. CM 3038196 He doesn't want to work in a factory. learnaspossible 304478 He drinks a bottle of beer at dinner. CK 292733 He dropped a letter into the mailbox. Nero 297116 He excelled in music even as a child. CM 295320 He fell a victim to a deadly disease. CK 1792442 He fell in love with a younger woman. Spamster 294915 He gave a tip as a sign of gratitude. CM 317564 He gave her a drug to make her relax. CK 288462 He gave me a ten thousand yen rebate. papabear 2258357 He got a cramp while he was swimming. _undertoad 296227 He got injured in a traffic accident. CK 295535 He got on a train bound for Kanazawa. CK 242176 He got up an hour early this morning. CK 301197 He grew up to be a very reliable man. CM 290565 He had a good time in the restaurant. CK 1466968 He had a lot to do with that project. CK 295758 He had a reputation for carelessness. CK 290852 He had a share in completing the job. CM 300850 He had a slight edge on his opponent. CK 298328 He had an accident and broke his leg. Eldad