53392 Keep an eye on the baby for a while. CM 477277 Ken appears to be a friendly person. CK 1531882 Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish. Spamster 942541 Last night, he saw a UFO in the sky. spockofvulcan 1166184 Last year they built a summer house. yujin 1224711 Let me make you a cup of hot coffee. CK 27117 Let's get you fixed up with a drink. NekoKanjya 3045737 Let's go for a spin around the park. sharptoothed 68755 Let's have a seat over there, Annie. CK 5950 Let's not be in too much of a hurry. Zifre 56468 Let's put a stop to this discussion. CK 2255661 Let's put an end to this discussion. _undertoad 34651 Let's take a coffee break, shall we? CM 270570 Life is often compared to a journey. CM 805255 Lord Ashburton had an American wife. Source_VOA 57233 Make this sentence a little shorter. CK 323535 Making a model plane is interesting. CK 1787743 Mark Twain was an American novelist. Amastan 682398 Mary has a website for her business. Source_VOA 2992382 Mary is a strong, independent woman. Hybrid 2712806 Mary is wearing a short skirt today. CK 3170710 Mary is wearing a white dress today. CK 1641525 Mary went to a Catholic high school. Spamster 39958 May I use the telephone for a while? CK 3131767 Maybe things do happen for a reason. CK 3164473 Maybe Tom has a secret crush on you. CK 32373 Mayuko designed a dress for herself. CK 997086 Meat and eggs have a lot of protein. CK 682233 Medicine is a treatment for illness. Source_VOA 239828 Might I ask you a personal question? jakov 1359967 Mike made a crude table out of logs. CK 2169032 Milton hasn't slept well for a week. alexmarcelo 32288 Misako married a Canadian last June. CK 2774088 Mix this powder with a cup of water. sharptoothed 243793 Modern ships only need a small crew. CM 320675 Mother closed her purse with a snap. CM 430462 Mother is in bed. She caught a cold. FeuDRenais 51515 Mr. and Mrs. Smith are a good match. CK 1439913 Mr. Hirayama is a very good teacher. CK 465071 Mr. Johnson's room was a large room. CK 34263 Mrs. Brown wrote a book on politics. CK 855289 My brother gave me a cute baby doll. piksea 251522 My brother is a high school student. CK 1415972 My cat had a fight with another cat. CK 519429 My cat has a big, white, bushy tail. darinmex 251942 My dream is to be a baseball player. CM 878480 My family subscribes to a newspaper. Swift 319307 My father works for a power company. CK 251268 My goal in life is to be a novelist. CM 1230594 My grandma just drank a bit of soup. alec