2961441 "Kyoto" is an anagram of "Tokyo." CK 1529450 "That's a woman's job," said Tom. Spamster 33684 A ball flew in through the window. Nero 20340 A balloon was floating in the air. CK 326644 A bat is not a bird, but a mammal. CM 277432 A bowl of rice is about 180 grams. CK 284932 A brilliant future lay before him. CK 29530 A button has come off my raincoat. CK 997787 A cat just came out of the basket. NickC 277913 A cheer went up from the audience. CK 28515 A closed fist can indicate stress. CK 1222557 A colleague is coming to visit me. FiRez 266250 A convict has escaped from prison. CK 680607 A crowd of 500 filled the theater. Source_VOA 20629 A curious disease struck the town. CM 20816 A customs declaration is required. CK 680893 A doctor is an expert in medicine. Source_VOA 52210 A doctor was called in right away. CK 65931 A dog has an acute sense of smell. CK 279592 A fallen tree obstructed the road. U2FS 807174 A few were drunk most of the time. Source_VOA 323994 A fire broke out during the night. CK 1573762 A friend sent the fruit as a gift. trieuho 62739 A girl named Kate came to see you. CK 2900646 A good deed never goes unpunished. Hybrid 491241 A laptop is better than a desktop. aandrusiak 318367 A leopard cannot change his spots. CK 267564 A little kindness goes a long way. CK 40013 A little language goes a long way. CK 3133618 A lot has happened this past week. CK 275826 A majority voted against the bill. CK 270122 A man is not always what he seems. CM 72101 A man like that gets on my nerves. CM 73112 A man stood waving his hand to me. CM 1212360 A Mr. West called in your absence. CK 240582 A mustache grows on the upper lip. CM 67426 A new difficulty presented itself. CM 269231 A new law has come into existence. CM 269349 A new student came into the class. CK 65171 A parrot can imitate human speech. CK 270109 A person is either male or female. CM 240370 A police station is close at hand. CM 1779855 A rack of lamb makes a great meal. Spamster 281038 A rainbow is a natural phenomenon. CK 1196581 A rose's petals are very delicate. nadsat 894710 A sleeping child is like an angel. pauldhunt 680809 A small company employs 50 people. Source_VOA 30098 A smell of lilies filled the room. CM 29935 A sound sleep made me feel better. CK 29689 A squirrel hid among the branches. CM