308769 She has a comfortable income. CM 312959 She has a cottage by the sea. CK 310586 She has a gentle disposition. CM 1875800 She has a son and a daughter. Asma 314411 She has an advantage over me. CK 308480 She has been sick for a week. CK 310028 She is a bit like her mother. CK 312137 She is a computer programmer. CK 314332 She is a friend of my wife's. CK 2682016 She is a leader in her field. iainmb93 310022 She is a most beautiful lady. CK 310146 She is a second year student. CK 316034 She is a self-educated woman. CK 308211 She is anything but a singer. CK 310337 She is engaged to a rich man. CK 310711 She is singing with a guitar. CK 23922 She knew a lot of songs, too. CK 312460 She lives on a small pension. CK 317384 She maintained a calm manner. CM 310611 She put aside a lot of money. CK 1333537 She sat down to read a novel. Eldad 314224 She spoke to me in a whisper. CK 313595 She squeezed a lemon for tea. CK 887397 She stabbed him with a knife. CK 1544397 She stared at me for a while. Bah_Dure 1477116 She took a bite of the apple. weihaiping 315799 She tore a hole in her dress. Nero 945531 She tried not to shed a tear. spockofvulcan 316855 She was absent due to a cold. CK 317264 She was deceived by a friend. CK 317175 She was sitting under a tree. CK 1442120 She was wearing a red blouse. CK 311692 She won't agree to a divorce. CK 497129 She wrote a book about birds. CK 1442046 She's a lot older than he is. CK 1848900 She's a member of a sorority. Spamster 1752322 She's a single mother of two. Spamster 1855134 She's a very talented artist. Spamster 1666826 She's an independent thinker. Spamster 269049 Shinya married a pretty girl. CK 51563 Smith died of a heart attack. CK 1501990 Spain is a developed country. Eldad 847134 Such a person is seldom dull. Source_Benedict_1921 41397 Such a plan is bound to fail. CK 275183 Taro has a low boiling point. CM 275190 Taro is writing a term paper. CK 1383508 Teens do a lot of dumb stuff. Spamster 1741616 Tell her that I am in a taxi. Amastan 3200746 Tell Tom I have a broken leg. CK 3162044 Thanks a lot for helping out. CK