3181549 Let me talk to you a second. CK 20367 Let your hair down a little. NekoKanjya 40528 Let's dine out for a change. CK 456309 Let's have a game of tennis. lukaszpp 908871 Let's talk shop for a while. Guybrush88 34392 Locate Puerto Rico on a map. Swift 2259056 Loosen the bandage a little. _undertoad 17290 Make a sketch of your house. Swift 875774 Mario is an Italian citizen. alexmarcelo 886148 Mary is a big fan of theirs. alexmarcelo 681418 Mary will make a good nurse. Source_VOA 1482673 Mary works in a supermarket. Spamster 3142772 May I ask a stupid question? CK 264027 May I have a class schedule? CK 64354 May I have a glass of water? CK 36286 May I have a napkin, please? CK 3022478 May I have a second helping? sharptoothed 40078 May I interrupt you a while? CK 456363 May I park here for a while? lukaszpp 267692 May I speak to you a minute? CK 2573363 May I take a picture of you? VirtuOZ 70597 May I take a picture of you? CK 2631802 Maybe there's a cheaper one. Joseph 32908 Mike wore an indignant look. CM 405824 Mr. Spencer works in a shop. Dorenda 266655 My aunt made me a new skirt. CK 652516 My blood type is A positive. darinmex 2775433 My boyfriend is not a loser. Hybrid 386703 My Chinese teacher is a man. Mouseneb 681351 My dog has a wonderful life. Source_VOA 2065312 My dog is dreaming of a cat. halfb1t 319010 My father is a heavy smoker. CK 251710 My father is an early riser. CK 1534815 My friend is really a clown. CK 251590 My girlfriend is an actress. CK 819064 My grandfather was a farmer. Guybrush88 1574077 My grandfather was a miller. Bilberry 2580750 My grandmother had a stroke. Hybrid 814624 My grandson is still a baby. brauliobezerra 320817 My mother is an early riser. CK 484054 My mother left me a message. CK 252094 My parents also have a farm. CK 250961 My sister has a sweet tooth. CK 2937234 My sister is a good swimmer. astyng 250969 My sister is a good swimmer. CK 1559444 My sister is a receptionist. sam_m 250240 My uncle gave him a present. CK 65084 My uncle has a large family. CK 266633 My uncle lived a happy life. CK 73232 Nine players make up a team. CM