1105421 Monica didn't study a lot. Guybrush88 320756 Mother made a doll for me. CM 320754 Mother made me a new suit. CM 321462 My boss is a slave driver. CM 873456 My brother is a professor. alexmarcelo 250706 My brother is an engineer. CK 33554 My car burns a lot of gas. CK 251958 My daughter wants a piano. CK 251673 My father is a bank clerk. CK 2584486 My father is a bus driver. Guybrush88 251696 My father manages a store. CK 250559 My house has a small yard. CK 870563 My math is a little rusty. alexmarcelo 1725262 My mom works in a factory. belgavox 2893995 My mother is a good woman. astynk 1126348 My son is only a teenager. nadsat 65087 My uncle gave me a camera. CK 251878 My wish is to be a singer. CK 267325 Never keep a lady waiting. CK 72800 Never tell me a lie again. CK 2891736 No one has an explanation. CK 2069353 Nobody likes a sore loser. _undertoad 269888 Not a soul was to be seen. CM 271535 Not a star was to be seen. CM 39969 Now just hold on a minute. CM 1499256 Our school is near a park. CM 1444969 Phillip isn't an engineer. Nero 1359537 Pinocchio had a long nose. starzykj 456607 Please call a taxi for me. lukaszpp 593547 Please give me an ashtray. CK 3162060 Please help me find a job. CK 3350116 Please send me a postcard. CK 1208128 Please take a deep breath. deparuma 65102 Pride comes before a fall. CM 1582384 Procrastinating is an art. wrarshad91 239795 Put in a good word for me. CK 2644518 Put this coat on a hanger. CK 62296 Put your coat on a hanger. CK 35795 Rats leave a sinking ship. CK 21523 School begins at 8:10 a.m. CK 266228 School begins at 8:30 a.m. CK 1877232 School is a waste of time. Spamster 52209 Send for a doctor at once. CK 312507 She became a great artist. CK 315506 She bought me a nice coat. CK 312826 She called me many a time. CM 312544 She couldn't utter a word. CM 1618730 She didn't have a brother. CM 316596 She died in a plane crash. CK 314144 She gave me a pretty doll. CK