3181272 Stop talking like a fool. CK 620096 Stop whining like a baby. ulyssemc1 2895049 Sushi is a Japanese food. AlanF_US 2953298 Swimming is a lot of fun. CK 271589 Tadashi has a soft voice. CK 2821514 Take a good look at this. CK 682163 Terrorists blew up a bus. Source_VOA 2711709 That actor's quite a ham. sharptoothed 2267805 That boy is a chatterbox. _undertoad 43742 That gives me a headache! CK 3059521 That is a very good idea. OJR1 1650064 That man is just a bigot. Guybrush88 3142740 That was a dumb question. CK 2264368 That was a very kind act. sharptoothed 3281659 That was a waste of time. CK 2774080 That's a mistaken belief. sharptoothed 1808128 That's a stupid question! Spamster 3303757 That's a tricky question. Hybrid 2267915 That's a very old saying. _undertoad 1624843 That's an obsolete model. marcelostockle 680922 The baby has a cute face. Source_VOA 33732 The boat sank in a flash. CM 47482 The boy has a high fever. CK 1667072 The girls had a catfight. Spamster 1148417 The milk has a bad taste. FiRez 2268423 The noise was a nuisance. _undertoad 50168 The truck ran over a boy. CK 305242 Their ship struck a rock. CM 1440042 There are a few problems. CK 2883977 There has to be a reason. CK 323247 There is a show tomorrow. CK 1806426 There is a test tomorrow. Ameer 273283 There is a threat of war. CM 1476500 There's a secret passage. Spamster 880578 There's a telephone here. alexmarcelo 2781071 They are investing a lot. littlejohn_75 463170 They are watching a play. lukaszpp 307401 They called him a coward. CK 305599 They caught a bear alive. CK 306109 They caught a lion alive. CK 307391 They consider him a hero. Eldad 3151284 They gave me a good deal. CK 1905852 They met on a blind date. Spamster 305996 They set out on a picnic. CK 2645005 This has to be a mistake. CK 3174854 This is a bird sanctuary. Hybrid 2268928 This is a duplicate copy. _undertoad 387707 This is a free newspaper. Mouseneb 455069 This is a friend of mine. FeuDRenais 838772 This is a funny sentence. Guybrush88