284439 He is a childhood friend. CK 300124 He is a man of character. CK 295333 He is a man of education. CM 493766 He is a man of few words. darinmex 300286 He is a man of the world. CK 2480751 He is a music enthusiast. shadyray601 299531 He is a potential leader. CM 292250 He is a pretty great guy. CK 292212 He is a quick-witted man. CM 299776 He is a very fussy eater. CK 292067 He is a very good batter. CK 2968339 He is a very good doctor. learnaspossible 293131 He is after a better job. CK 706887 He is an English teacher. papabear 301996 He is an intelligent boy. CK 295551 He is employed in a bank. CK 293623 He is famous as a doctor. CK 288969 He is not an English boy. CK 301414 He is nothing but a fool. CK 289338 He is nothing but a liar. CK 716136 He is painting a picture. papabear 292905 He is quite a clever man. CM 301344 He is such a lazy fellow. CK 303220 He lived an unhappy life. CM 293683 He lived here for a time. CK 1391864 He lives a long way away. enteka 1436544 He lives in a huge house. Eldad 1959969 He lives in an apartment. herrsilen 300578 He made a fortune in oil. CK 290232 He made a quick response. CM 293241 He made a tour of Europe. CK 300980 He made his son a doctor. CM 289596 He married a pretty girl. CK 300414 He must be an honest man. CK 2006519 He opened a can of worms. Spamster 289567 He owns a good few sheep. CK 300589 He picked up a red stone. CK 1251536 He showed a lot of skill. Scott 302654 He stole a kiss from her. CM 294153 He took a taxi both ways. CK 293235 He took a trip to Europe. CK 298152 He treats me as an adult. CK 300561 He used to be a nice boy. CK 802946 He wanted to be a farmer. Source_VOA 2006567 He was a bit embarrassed. Spamster 802947 He was a forceful leader. Source_VOA 802948 He was a poet and writer. Source_VOA 292896 He was an utter stranger. CM 292013 He was every inch a king. sacredceltic 290310 He was executed as a spy. CK