3183595 This is a company town. CK 2662420 This is a free country. sharptoothed 1042272 This is a good bargain. yessoos 35075 This is a great moment. CM 1676677 This is a great theory. Spamster 55568 This is a kind of food. CM 2514141 This is a quiet street. Hybrid 55384 This is a wooden house. CM 389014 This is a wooden table. Guybrush88 1453952 This is an abomination. Spamster 57621 This is an uphill road. CM 2307594 This is not a hospital. Gulo_Luscus 547389 This is not a sentence. MUIRIEL 1524718 This must be a mistake. Spamster 1331161 This play is a musical. CK 1079526 This was a long letter. keira_n 1898063 This was all a mistake. CK 26651 To tell a lie is wrong. al_ex_an_der 2617098 Today is a special day. bufo 2592608 Today was an awful day. WestofEden 3347201 Tom called me an idiot. CK 2801626 Tom had a car accident. patgfisher 2753437 Tom is a good employee. Hybrid 2731688 Tom is a heavy drinker. sharptoothed 2957007 Tom is a hypochondriac. CK 2957027 Tom is a social worker. CK 3012497 Tom is an overachiever. Hybrid 3050480 Tom is not a communist. Haydar 752484 Tom isn't a lazy child. kelemta 2645717 Tom was wearing a wire. CK 1549741 Tom works in a cubicle. Spamster 1125479 Was it all an illusion? Eldad 1185344 We all had a good time. bart 2170590 We could give it a try. freddy1 273947 We had a glorious time. CM 1766445 We have an orange tree. CK 2269086 We have had a bad time. _undertoad 908858 We made a huge mistake. Guybrush88 1905854 We met on a blind date. Spamster 1876988 We need to have a talk. Spamster 1404664 We saw a flying saucer. CK 1211483 We'll leave in an hour. alec 2259811 We're in a blind alley. _undertoad 1913094 What a beautiful dress! CK 1183698 What a beautiful night! paula_guisard 1913095 What a beautiful scene! CK 36009 What a big dog that is! CM 292295 What a big eater he is! CM 2137314 What a gorgeous flower! AlanF_US 2892441 What a lovely surprise! CK