English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "A" in Example Sentences
Page 330

1169460	I'm a masochist.	Guybrush88
321972	I'm a night owl.	CK
255135	I'm a TV addict.	CM
397588	I'm an engineer.	FeuDRenais
1836096	I'm not a crook.	Spamster
2173239	I'm not a saint.	Hybrid
1836094	I'm not a thief.	Spamster
2246891	I'm not a woman.	Amastan
1110539	I'm such a fool.	Scott
2675444	I've got a book.	Gulliver
1369187	I've got a cold.	sacredceltic
1996943	I've got a plan.	Spamster
1240776	Is it a problem?	Guybrush88
1825390	Is that a llama?	pne
63580	Is there a cafe?	Scott
56259	Is this a river?	CK
1549764	It is an option.	Spamster
1513674	It isn't a fish.	Guybrush88
3334011	It's a bad idea.	CK
3333924	It's a bad plan.	CK
1702609	It's a bad time.	Spamster
1619684	It's a fine day.	Spamster
871646	It's a new book.	ColinG
1779833	It's a shortcut.	Spamster
2682144	It's a surprise.	iainmb93
1542617	It's a travesty.	Spamster
239280	It's an eyesore.	CK
1513673	It's not a fish.	Guybrush88
1357284	It's not a joke.	Eldad
1991092	It's not a vice.	Guybrush88
1284209	Jenny has a gun.	CK
1105401	Kate had a cold.	dag0310
453515	Life is a dream.	FeuDRenais
2267537	Listen a minute.	_undertoad
1542287	Mary is a klutz.	Spamster
1460495	Meg talks a lot.	piksea
3334025	Pour me a drink.	CK
1168507	Put a lid on it!	darinmex
312416	She had a radio.	CK
309938	She is a doctor.	CK
927087	She is a genius.	Guybrush88
2429354	She is a singer.	CK
311512	She is a typist.	CK
1352132	She works a lot.	AMIKEMA
939561	She's a trainee.	ivanpellegrin
1437164	Take a load off.	Nero
1467082	That is a hotel.	sadhen
1911855	That's an order.	Spamster
1894207	There's a catch.	Spamster
3128592	They had a boat.	brad