English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 988

2644999	This was in Tom's locker.	CK	1
3023412	Tom opened his locker.	CK	1
2891960	That would be logical.	CK	1
255948	I arrived in London.	CK	1
2376546	I know you feel lonely.	CK	1
2645725	Tom was sad and lonely.	CK	1
2676854	I felt very lonely.	fekundulo	1
1094099	Tom felt very lonely.	CK	1
2408280	I think Tom is lonely.	CK	1
1891019	I'm kind of a loner.	CK	1
24764	What's taking you so long?	CK	1
296468	He hasn't been here long.	CK	1
321534	My hair has grown too long.	CK	1
515768	Do you plan to stay long?	CK	1
1093580	Tom hasn't been here long.	CK	1
1295025	I didn't speak for long.	alexmarcelo	1
1345562	We partied all night long.	CK	1
2276480	I won't take very long.	CK	1
2276922	That didn't take them long.	CK	1
2359054	I've been away too long.	CK	1
2359147	I've been here way too long.	CK	1
2359194	I've been married too long.	CK	1
2361794	I won't be here that long.	CK	1
2361806	I won't keep you too long.	CK	1
2542858	This shouldn't take too long.	CK	1
2543319	Tom won't be here that long.	CK	1
2643493	Tom won't have to wait long.	CK	1
2645051	It hasn't been that long.	CK	1
2884760	What's taking Tom so long?	CK	1
2958046	Tom says he can't stay long.	CK	1
3312933	We weren't gone that long.	CK	1
2208447	I've been alone so long.	CK	1
278081	Will it be much longer?	CK	1
707191	Stay a little longer.	papabear	1
1954920	I can't stay much longer.	CK	1
1955105	We can't wait much longer.	CK	1
2276042	I don't have much longer.	CK	1
2276543	It won't be much longer.	CK	1
2821427	Tom won't live much longer.	CK	1
3185045	I should've stayed longer.	CK	1
2359143	I've been here the longest.	CK	1
953518	I like the way you look.	CK	1
1619778	I hate the way I look.	Spamster	1
1886486	Why don't we take a look?	CK	1
2007522	Let's take a closer look.	CK	1
2007601	Let's get a closer look.	CK	1
2012183	Tom doesn't want to look.	CK	1
2210757	Why don't you have a look?	CK	1
2272389	Tom didn't even look.	CK	1
2361130	I don't care how you look.	CK	1