2958523 Tom was duly impressed. CK 1 2273391 Tom is really impressed. CK 1 1494960 Tom was super impressed. Spamster 1 1140948 Tom was really impressed. CK 1 2251315 That's very impressive. CK 1 2249264 It's so improbable. CK 1 2401236 Tom's grades didn't improve. CK 1 278835 The weather has improved. CK 1 2645984 This is an improvement. CK 1 237938 Business is improving. CK 1 2734274 Tom's health is improving. CK 1 2958767 Tom's French is improving. CK 1 2451600 Your French is improving. CK 1 2417 I managed to get in. CK 1 24562 How late can I check in? CK 1 277846 The tide is coming in. CK 1 311689 She wouldn't let him in. CK 1 2210595 Why don't you come on in? CK 1 2270197 Which group is your friend in? _undertoad 1 2279346 Tom didn't go right in. CK 1 2291909 I asked Tom to come in. CK 1 2360747 I heard someone come in. CK 1 2361437 I don't think I'd fit in. CK 1 2374039 I just want to fit in. CK 1 2545005 I shouldn't have slept in. CK 1 2545097 Tom wouldn't let them in. CK 1 2545844 The TV isn't plugged in. CK 1 2546311 Tom wouldn't let us in. CK 1 2546552 I'm not letting Tom in. CK 1 2547355 I was told to come in. CK 1 2646986 Tom followed Mary in. CK 1 2681143 Knock before coming in. WestofEden 1 2739087 What state is Boston in? CK 1 2763475 What did you major in? CK 1 2772871 Tom didn't go straight in. CK 1 2892626 What time did you get in? CK 1 3096335 Did Tom see you come in? CK 1 3096374 Thank you for coming in. CK 1 3177907 Tom must be sleeping in. CK 1 3178338 You need to let me in. CK 1 3178339 You have to let me in. CK 1 3185065 Why don't we just stay in? CK 1 3312371 We have to go back in. CK 1 3312997 We think you should come in. CK 1 3312999 We'd better go back in. CK 1 3313000 We need to go back in. CK 1 3313001 We let ourselves in. CK 1 3356392 You might as well come in. CK 1 3358347 You don't need to come in. CK 1 887236 She invited him in. CK 1