253493 I am a stranger here. CK 1 1549991 What is Tom doing here? Spamster 1 1025144 Tom is a stranger here. CK 1 54768 Fancy meeting you here. CK 1 954655 Why are the police here? CK 1 62119 How far is it from here? CK 1 3255795 Do you know why I'm here? CK 1 2091173 No one knows Tom is here. CK 1 255699 I would rather stay here. sacredceltic 1 239981 The lake is deepest here. CK 1 2250435 Don't touch anything here. CK 1 22502 The meeting was held here. CK 1 3056448 It's not that far from here. WestofEden 1 326299 Thanks for bringing me here. CK 1 2721477 Tom is the real hero. CK 1 1095813 Tom became a hero. CK 1 2713515 You guys are my heroes. CK 1 60514 Is this ball yours or hers? CK 1 2236214 Tom didn't hesitate. CK 1 2646700 Why did you hesitate? CK 1 2647258 Why do you hesitate? CK 1 1938795 I thought Tom would say hi. CK 1 3023532 Tom kept it well hidden. CK 1 249781 I have nothing to hide. CK 1 1025552 Tom had nothing to hide. CK 1 1177540 Tom has nothing to hide. CK 1 2331706 I had nothing to hide. CK 1 2359671 I've got nothing to hide. CK 1 2376476 I know where you can hide. CK 1 2545694 We have nothing to hide. CK 1 2547751 I'm going to go hide. CK 1 2821626 I had nowhere to hide. CK 1 3286858 We've got nothing to hide. CK 1 3286860 Tom's got nothing to hide. CK 1 2643820 Where have you been hiding? CK 1 2892084 That's what Tom was hiding. CK 1 319623 The rent is very high. CK 1 3147933 The price is very high. CK 1 632558 We should cancel the hike. CK 1 2936076 Why don't you take a hike? CK 1 3311092 We're going on a hike. CK 1 2248844 It was hilarious. CK 1 2239803 Tom was hilarious. CK 1 2218377 You're so hilarious. CK 1 887349 She raced him down the hill. CK 1 1152407 My house is on a hill. belgavox 1 1542325 Tom is a hillbilly. Spamster 1 2443 Those who know him like him. Zifre 1 2453 I don't agree with him. CK 1 9905 You can rely on him. CK 1