English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 920

40104	Hey, where are you going?	CK	1
43011	Well, I must be going.	CK	1
1304544	How's that business going?	CK	1
1839601	We'd better get going.	CK	1
1885866	How's the party going?	CK	1
1893753	We need to get going.	CK	1
2276377	Tom says he's not going.	CK	1
2281880	Why don't we get going?	CK	1
2360479	I have to get going.	CK	1
2360533	I have to keep going.	CK	1
2361996	I've got to get going.	CK	1
2376448	I know where they're going.	CK	1
2376478	I know where you're going.	CK	1
2406417	I should've kept going.	CK	1
2407863	I think I'll be going.	CK	1
2447450	How's your new job going?	AlanF_US	1
2546223	Hey, where're you going?	CK	1
2547878	I'd better get going.	CK	1
2548361	I'd better be going.	CK	1
2646015	Shouldn't you be going?	CK	1
2646541	So where're you going?	CK	1
2647358	We need to be going.	CK	1
2648352	Tom is easy-going.	CK	1
2891646	It's time to get going.	CK	1
2892751	When will you be going?	CK	1
2892764	Where are you all going?	CK	1
2953305	Tell me where you're going.	CK	1
2979710	Where are you guys going?	CK	1
2993514	You'd better get going.	CK	1
3172394	Are you easy-going?	CK	1
3310185	We've got to get going.	CK	1
2094782	Where's everyone going?	CK	1
2821553	Tom has a heart of gold.	CK	1
18548	I'm feeding the goldfish.	CK	1
56353	Have you ever played golf?	CK	1
490138	I like tennis and golf.	CK	1
674262	I would like to play golf.	yessoos	1
1886313	Are you still playing golf?	CK	1
2548124	Tom is a bad golfer.	CK	1
24474	How long will you be gone?	CK	1
62661	All of the cake is gone.	CK	1
324450	All the money was gone.	CK	1
367022	He had already gone.	blay_paul	1
1885894	How long has Tom been gone?	CK	1
2091200	No one knows where Tom's gone.	CK	1
2272660	Tom has already gone.	CK	1
2291931	I asked Tom where he'd gone.	CK	1
2644603	All of my things are gone.	CK	1
2645952	Tom and Mary have gone.	CK	1
2646480	Tom and Mary are gone.	CK	1