English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 92

2254959	You could pass.	CK	1
2251005	That will pass.	CK	1
2243254	They might pass.	CK	1
2239705	Tom walked past.	CK	1
1486456	Be patient.	Spamster	1
321736	I'm patient.	CK	1
2203171	We're patient.	CK	1
2203169	You're patient.	CK	1
2241042	We can pay.	CK	1
1302459	Let me pay.	CK	1
2215714	Tom will pay.	CK	1
1357342	Who will pay?	sacredceltic	1
2111702	I'm paying.	CK	1
2203747	We're paying.	CK	1
2203746	Who's paying?	CK	1
2203748	You're paying.	CK	1
2241473	We watch PBS.	CK	1
2011285	We want peace.	CK	1
2011318	They want peace.	CK	1
2245558	Here's a pen.	CK	1
2283744	It's perfect.	CK	1
2203175	You're perfect.	CK	1
1897814	That's perfect.	CK	1
1204270	I'm in Perth.	Guybrush88	1
2235834	It's Tom's phone.	CK	1
2254665	Where's the phone?	CK	1
2254689	Where's your phone?	CK	1
2253819	Try your phone.	CK	1
1886600	Where's my phone?	CK	1
2250068	Take your pick.	CK	1
2218034	You're a pig.	CK	1
2250069	Take your pills.	CK	1
1841736	Can you pitch?	CK	1
2253835	Use my place.	CK	1
2250070	Take your place.	CK	1
2249511	Keep your place.	CK	1
2244665	Take Tom's place.	CK	1
1897779	That's a plan.	CK	1
2251275	That's the plan.	CK	1
2245566	Here's the plan.	CK	1
1886670	What's your plan?	CK	1
2234161	What's Tom's plan?	CK	1
2234134	What's their plan?	CK	1
2248874	It was planned.	CK	1
2859308	Tom has plans.	Amastan	1
2865406	Tom made plans.	Amastan	1
2245975	I made plans.	CK	1
2245893	I have plans.	CK	1
2241112	We have plans.	CK	1
2248389	I've got plans.	CK	1