English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 888

2644468	Tom and Mary both drowned.	CK	1
1442274	She came close to drowning.	CK	1
2276383	Tom seems to be drowning.	CK	1
2546641	I'm afraid of drowning.	CK	1
1140943	Tom was saved from drowning.	CK	1
27254	Where's the nearest drugstore?	CK	1
1094113	Tom felt like getting drunk.	CK	1
1887848	I told you I'm not drunk.	CK	1
2373993	I just think Tom was drunk.	CK	1
2408343	I think Tom might be drunk.	CK	1
2547009	Tom is a little drunk.	CK	1
2644171	You'd better not be drunk.	CK	1
2644479	Tom and I were both drunk.	CK	1
2645741	Tom was a little drunk.	CK	1
2645961	Tom and Mary are drunk.	CK	1
2891139	Do you think Tom was drunk?	CK	1
3176901	Tom gets mean when he's drunk.	CK	1
3199782	Are you already drunk?	CK	1
2273368	Tom is probably drunk.	CK	1
2643904	Tom switched off the dryer.	CK	1
2270347	Don't do anything dumb.	CK	1
1140833	Tom worked from dawn to dusk.	CK	1
312172	She brushed away the dust.	CK	1
257445	I am now on duty.	CK	1
2362208	I just got off duty.	CK	1
2549077	I'm doing my duty.	CK	1
2359884	I have jury duty.	CK	1
1164497	Tom is still on duty.	CK	1
60057	These flowers are dying.	CK	1
2361894	I'm not scared of dying.	CK	1
2646325	Tom said he was dying.	CK	1
2408260	I think Tom is dying.	CK	1
2643695	They're thirty dollars each.	CK	1
2821409	Tom grinned from ear to ear.	CK	1
1025060	Tom is deaf in one ear.	CK	1
2261980	I saw Tom earlier.	CK	1
300829	He went to bed early.	CK	1
300831	He arrived too early.	CK	1
680762	I want to leave early.	Source_VOA	1
1093999	Tom goes to bed early.	CK	1
1115775	I arrived too early.	Nero	1
1461049	You should go home early.	CK	1
1461052	You should get up early.	CK	1
2300648	I can come in early.	CK	1
2377496	I like to be early.	CK	1
2546862	You're a little early.	CK	1
2547440	You're an hour early.	CK	1
2548275	I'm always up early.	CK	1
2548376	I went to bed early.	CK	1
2891059	Did you get up early?	CK	1