English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 874

2272787	Tom is a designer.	CK	1
25531	Don't put it on my desk.	CK	1
41852	Put it back on the desk.	CK	1
43892	Put the book on the desk.	CK	1
48195	The key is on the desk.	CK	1
70934	Your bag is on my desk.	CK	1
251882	My book is on your desk.	CK	1
2389905	I put it on your desk.	CK	1
2891632	It's right there on your desk.	CK	1
3154749	Tom eats lunch at his desk.	CK	1
3168023	You've got one on your desk.	CK	1
16908	Your book is on the desk.	CK	1
70616	Your watch is on the desk.	CK	1
2273153	Tom is getting desperate.	CK	1
3375780	What's the destination?	CK	1
2234170	What's your destination?	CK	1
2647047	This is your destiny.	CK	1
3178619	It has to be destroyed.	CK	1
427027	I don't know the details.	FeuDRenais	1
996909	I'll spare you the details.	thayne	1
2375859	I know all the details.	CK	1
2647178	Focus on the details.	CK	1
268239	Let me know the details.	CK	1
2548433	Are you a detective?	CK	1
295668	He is a detective.	CK	1
1025190	Tom is a detective.	CK	1
2273225	Tom is in detention.	CK	1
3325415	Tom seemed quite determined.	CK	1
2273507	Tom is still determined.	CK	1
2250258	Tom doesn't look deterred.	CK	1
2237228	Tom looks devastated.	CK	1
2240828	We're all devastated.	CK	1
2247649	I'd be devastated.	CK	1
2236649	Tom is devastated.	CK	1
1164157	Tom was devastated.	CK	1
2644303	Tom turned off the device.	CK	1
1024774	Tom is very dexterous.	CK	1
280075	I have diabetes.	CK	1
2236651	Tom is diabetic.	CK	1
2234107	What's the diagnosis?	CK	1
1845512	Don't read my diary.	CK	1
2261977	I read Tom's diary.	CK	1
2327230	I found Tom's diary.	CK	1
2648687	Tom kept a diary.	CK	1
302202	He keeps a diary.	CK	1
1024647	Tom keeps a diary.	CK	1
1887320	I found your diary.	CK	1
2245081	Check your dictionary.	CK	1
42345	It's a dictionary.	CK	1
42367	That's my dictionary.	CK	1