275542 Let's make a big circle. Nero 1 275861 I dislike big cities. CK 1 1528314 I don't like big cities. Cainntear 1 848987 I live in the city. Vulgaris 1 931493 I'll show you the city. FeuDRenais 1 2547016 Tom has left the city. CK 1 2272774 Tom is a civilian. CK 1 2884556 Why are people clapping? CK 1 906723 What's your favorite class? CK 1 1025813 Tom fell asleep in class. CK 1 1025891 Tom dozed off in French class. CK 1 1141098 Tom took notes during class. CK 1 2283195 I fell asleep in class. ichivivi20 1 2343106 I want to go to class. kareybh 1 2360488 I have to get to class. CK 1 2544488 Why are you late to class? CK 1 2645155 Why aren't you in class? CK 1 2713134 We're both in the same class. CK 1 2821402 Tom showed up late to class. CK 1 2956502 Tom didn't go to class. CK 1 3005491 I've got to get to class. CK 1 19714 I must hurry to class. CK 1 1362474 She was absent from class. CK 1 37303 Tom is first in his class. CK 1 289156 He's always late for class. CK 1 2377437 I like all my classes. CK 1 2404279 Tom often cuts classes. CK 1 2957591 Tom often skips classes. CK 1 310760 She married her classmate. CK 1 19047 Get out of the classroom. CK 1 495877 Don't talk in the classroom. CK 1 500368 I eat in the classroom. blay_paul 1 436381 I am in the classroom. lukaszpp 1 1600605 Tom is claustrophobic. Spamster 1 9582 You must keep your room clean. Swift 1 265917 You must keep your hands clean. CK 1 1023862 Tom's clothes were old, but clean. CK 1 2544517 Tom wiped the table clean. CK 1 870412 Cats hate vacuum cleaners. Scott 1 1177528 Tom has made himself clear. CK 1 1517824 I hear you loud and clear. Spamster 1 2283627 You didn't make it clear. CK 1 2408175 I think that's very clear. CK 1 2891494 It isn't at all clear. CK 1 3313123 We read you loud and clear. CK 1 250818 Do I make myself clear? CK 1 2891157 Does that make it clearer? CK 1 2545318 I'm not thinking clearly. CK 1 30129 Speak slowly and clearly. CK 1 280118 I wish I were clever. CK 1