2626919 I love watching baseball. Joseph 1 2644105 I've always liked baseball. CK 1 304265 He does not play baseball. CK 1 2546416 Tom is in the basement. CK 1 2546101 I'll be in the basement. CK 1 1766752 Do you like basketball? CK 1 44213 Does the room have a bath? CK 1 64042 It's time to take a bath. CK 1 437071 I want to take a bath. lukaszpp 1 1094031 Tom gave his dog a bath. CK 1 3023585 Tom is taking a bath. CK 1 3152279 Please give the dog a bath. CK 1 1887937 I was taking a bath. CK 1 64409 May I use the bathroom? CK 1 2646040 Is Tom in the bathroom? CK 1 3327808 Can I use the bathroom? CK 1 2276360 Tom is in the bathroom. CK 1 456721 She is in the bathroom. lukaszpp 1 60175 This house has two bathrooms. CK 1 1093959 Tom got in the bathtub. CK 1 1141188 Tom soaked in the bathtub. CK 1 1860417 Don't sleep in the bathtub. CK 1 279226 Do you sell batteries? CK 1 1766419 I watch the BBC. CK 1 2046712 How busy could Tom be? CK 1 2645168 Where do you have to be? CK 1 2885092 Where's Tom going to be? CK 1 16263 What do you want to be? CK 1 248498 We walked along the beach. CK 1 887304 She met him on the beach. CK 1 1410420 Let's go straight to the beach. CK 1 2281826 Who doesn't like the beach? CK 1 2546452 This is a public beach. CK 1 3129934 What happened at the beach? CK 1 2011756 I don't want any beans. CK 1 2279412 Tom doesn't like green beans. CK 1 1954667 You can't outrun that bear. CK 1 325817 The hunter shot a bear. CK 1 3162933 Tom yanked off John's fake beard. CK 1 1025018 Tom is growing a beard. CK 1 257026 I am afraid of bears. CK 1 2646835 Tom was badly beaten. CK 1 2248956 It'll be beautiful. CK 1 2249202 It's really beautiful. CK 1 2249347 It's very beautiful. CK 1 2249585 Mary looks beautiful. CK 1 2789168 I think you're beautiful. CK 1 2045752 Mary is beautiful. CK 1 2249586 Mary was beautiful. CK 1 1897734 It was so beautiful. CK 1