3096128 Here, see for yourself. CK 1 327656 Do it by yourself. CK 1 2218315 You aren't yourself. CK 1 1125625 Believe in yourself. Scott 1 264610 Try it out yourself. CK 1 1860478 Don't flatter yourself. CK 1 433707 Take care of yourselves! blay_paul 1 307242 They went to the zoo. CK 1 2549132 I work at the zoo. CK 1 259713 I went to the zoo. CK 1 295564 He said, "It's nine o'clock." CM 1 1820282 I like the bright colors Alexander_M 1 2142639 I would like to have lunch ephirein 1 2382705 I don't have a pencil cribe 1 2647399 Tom was a lumberjack CK 1 2771588 I'm not able to swim CK 1 3222960 Tom is used to sitting CK 1 3360314 You didn't need to come,. CK 1 2007506 Let's go to the Jacksons'. CK 1 591304 We've lost 3 to 0. Shoyren 1 436909 I owe you $1,000. lukaszpp 1 276026 Let's review Lesson 5. CK 1 556605 His birthday is May 5th. Pun_intended 1 326196 The train was due at 6. CM 1 73467 What is on Channel 10? CK 1 2763574 3 times 5 is 15. CK 1 2900555 Are you over 18? Hybrid 1 706919 Four times five is 20. papabear 1 2549399 Can I borrow $30? CK 1 260482 I owe him $100. CK 1 2879567 Give Tom the $300. CK 1 2648718 Tom gave me $300. CK 1 310080 She was born in the 1950s. CK 1 1954875 Tom can't sing a high A. CK 1 2548057 Tom was taken aback. CK 1 2646416 Tom has been abducted. CK 1 56989 What is the book about? CK 1 445023 What did you talk about? kaitlin 1 1357461 What are you mad about? NekoKanjya 1 2713331 What's all the fuss about? CK 1 2713390 What's Tom worried about? CK 1 2713520 What's Tom angry about? CK 1 2892348 Tom knows what it's about. CK 1 2892633 What was all this about? CK 1 2892637 What was that all about? CK 1 2892638 What was this all about? CK 1 3047109 What's there to talk about? CK 1 3095013 What's Tom talking about? CK 1 3181176 What'll we talk about? CK 1 3181483 That's all Tom talks about. CK 1