English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 788

2387096	I may have been wrong.	CK	1
2407138	I suspect you're wrong.	CK	1
2458527	I think you were wrong.	CK	1
2458568	I think you're all wrong.	CK	1
2546037	I'm afraid you're wrong.	CK	1
2546254	You know this is wrong.	CK	1
2546506	I'm sure you are wrong.	CK	1
2547110	I'm sure Tom is wrong.	CK	1
2547332	I wonder what's wrong.	CK	1
2547595	Tom has it all wrong.	CK	1
2547737	I'm hoping I'm wrong.	CK	1
2547770	I'm glad I was wrong.	CK	1
2643357	Tell them that they're wrong.	CK	1
2645023	Tell Tom that he's wrong.	CK	1
2645192	What they did was wrong.	CK	1
2645396	Tom did something wrong.	CK	1
2645576	You said nothing wrong.	CK	1
2646057	I guess you were wrong.	CK	1
2646438	Tom did nothing wrong.	CK	1
2646754	What did we do wrong?	CK	1
2647115	Maybe you were wrong.	CK	1
2647118	Maybe that was wrong.	CK	1
2647638	Maybe Tom was wrong.	CK	1
2713447	You're completely wrong.	CK	1
2836522	I'm afraid that's wrong.	CK	1
2852042	What did you do wrong?	CK	1
2852205	Where did we go wrong?	CK	1
2891031	Did something go wrong?	CK	1
2891774	Nothing can go wrong.	CK	1
2958169	Tom spelled your name wrong.	CK	1
3200369	Can you tell what's wrong?	CK	1
3200638	Please tell me what's wrong.	CK	1
3213084	You did nothing wrong.	Hybrid	1
3286835	We've done nothing wrong.	CK	1
3286855	You've done nothing wrong.	CK	1
3310948	We're doing this wrong.	CK	1
3357799	You've got it all wrong.	CK	1
3364632	What if Tom is wrong?	CK	1
3368850	What Tom did was wrong.	CK	1
3374659	I've never been wrong.	CK	1
2406229	I see I was wrong.	CK	1
1898326	Maybe I was wrong.	CK	1
3091262	I hope Tom is wrong.	CK	1
2407845	I think I was wrong.	CK	1
2330048	I guess I was wrong.	CK	1
321323	I'll admit I'm wrong.	CK	1
16950	Your answer is wrong.	CK	1
2218336	You're probably wrong.	CK	1
2291934	I asked what was wrong.	CK	1
1656277	Everything's gone wrong.	charlotte13	1