English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 785

1886506	Why didn't that work?	CK	1
2007622	Let's just get to work.	CK	1
2007644	Let's talk about work.	CK	1
2251029	That'll never work.	CK	1
2272044	It just didn't work.	CK	1
2272048	It just doesn't work.	CK	1
2272051	It still doesn't work.	CK	1
2272067	My phone doesn't work.	CK	1
2274060	Your plan didn't work.	CK	1
2275805	Half of them don't work.	CK	1
2276879	The front brakes don't work.	CK	1
2280282	Does your father work?	CK	1
2281710	Tom knows that won't work.	CK	1
2294093	I bet this will work.	CK	1
2301269	I can make it work.	CK	1
2315169	This watch doesn't work.	CK	1
2360262	I've seen Tom at work.	CK	1
2408214	I think this will work.	CK	1
2523399	The brakes didn't work.	CK	1
2545661	You'll be late for work.	CK	1
2546935	Tom was late for work.	CK	1
2547814	I'll see you at work.	CK	1
2645464	Thank you for your work.	CK	1
2645925	Tom couldn't find work.	CK	1
2646888	Tom returned to work.	CK	1
2647049	This is where I work.	CK	1
2647174	Go on with your work.	CK	1
2647621	Return to your work.	CK	1
2648341	Tom isn't at work.	CK	1
2648406	Tom began to work.	CK	1
2733654	You all did good work.	CK	1
2805876	He finished his work.	CK	1
2852260	It's going to work.	CK	1
2891000	Can you make it work?	CK	1
2954608	You must go to work.	CK	1
2954757	You should go to work.	CK	1
2956383	Tom cycles to work.	CK	1
3023489	Tom knows where I work.	CK	1
3096236	Have you seen it work?	CK	1
3109587	We can make this work.	CK	1
3110053	We can make it work.	CK	1
3184020	I think it might work.	CK	1
3310949	We're trying to work.	CK	1
3355243	Go back to your work.	CK	1
3360319	You're doing great work.	CK	1
3360477	Tom does sloppy work.	CK	1
2248987	It'll never work.	CK	1
268596	Can I go to work?	CK	1
1419576	I do all the work.	CK	1
1419577	I did all the work.	CK	1