English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 784

2253736	This looks wonderful.	CK	1
2255132	You look wonderful.	CK	1
2255228	You smell wonderful.	CK	1
2255415	You've been wonderful.	CK	1
2248902	It was wonderful.	CK	1
2245773	I felt wonderful.	CK	1
2245760	I feel wonderful.	CK	1
2236926	Tom is wonderful.	CK	1
2233746	This is wonderful.	CK	1
2250988	That was wonderful.	CK	1
1762362	I like to chop wood.	Amastan	1
2719823	Tom likes to chop wood.	Amastan	1
299958	He passed through the woods.	CK	1
315167	She walked in the woods.	CK	1
1884462	Tom ran through the woods.	CK	1
2646829	Tom was in the woods.	CK	1
2273530	Tom is still woozy.	CK	1
1951822	I can't hear a word.	CK	1
2173233	I gave you my word.	Hybrid	1
2276074	I don't know that word.	CK	1
2276474	I won't say a word.	CK	1
2281819	We won't say a word.	CK	1
2329363	I gave Tom my word.	CK	1
2821643	Tom gave me his word.	CK	1
3151114	You gave me your word.	CK	1
3151279	They gave us their word.	CK	1
1786	I give you my word.	CK	1
290271	He doesn't mince words.	CM	1
2955073	You're twisting my words.	CK	1
3171712	Tom doesn't mince words.	CK	1
34110	The brake didn't work.	CK	1
39271	The TV doesn't work.	CK	1
47599	Let's not do the work.	CK	1
54182	Let's get down to work.	CK	1
245342	Don't be late for work.	CK	1
257922	I'm looking for work.	CK	1
258362	I am out of work.	CK	1
276202	Who can do this work?	CK	1
279135	The light doesn't work.	CK	1
322188	It was real hard work.	CK	1
568406	The headlights don't work.	CK	1
872849	I finished the work.	alexmarcelo	1
901575	He's a friend from work.	joeycrunch	1
931185	Tom's looking for work.	FeuDRenais	1
1024846	Tom is swamped with work.	CK	1
1140902	Tom went back to work.	CK	1
1141142	Tom thinks that'll work.	CK	1
1211488	I cycle to work.	alec	1
1487356	Thanks for the hard work.	marshmallowcat	1
1860693	Just get back to work.	CK	1