English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 763

2546958	Tom sliced the turkey.	CK	1
485148	Please make a right turn.	FeuDRenais	1
1141056	Tom waited his turn.	CK	1
2648198	Why is it my turn?	CK	1
2648326	Tom made a U-turn.	CK	1
3358900	You made a wrong turn.	CK	1
39143	Please turn on the TV.	CK	1
39147	Please turn off the TV.	CK	1
39158	It's fun to watch TV.	CK	1
544697	I sometimes watch TV.	CK	1
650833	Let's turn off the TV.	CK	1
1141074	Tom turned on the TV.	CK	1
1141078	Tom turned off the TV.	CK	1
1164318	Tom plugged in the TV.	CK	1
1491703	Tom doesn't watch TV.	Spamster	1
1887402	I heard it on TV.	CK	1
2360299	I've seen you on TV.	CK	1
2406193	I saw you on TV.	CK	1
2466794	I saw it on TV.	Hybrid	1
2545836	They're all watching TV.	CK	1
2546338	Tom turned down the TV.	CK	1
2547541	Tom turned up the TV.	CK	1
2548055	Tom was watching TV.	CK	1
2548865	I hate watching TV.	CK	1
2549252	Tom has a big TV.	CK	1
2617271	I was watching TV.	Prophete	1
2645274	Tom switched off the TV.	CK	1
2645756	Tom switched on the TV.	CK	1
2645906	Tom flicked off the TV.	CK	1
2647430	Tom sat watching TV.	CK	1
2648849	Do you have a TV?	CK	1
2765407	I want to watch TV.	CK	1
3312642	We saw them on TV.	CK	1
3312643	We saw you on TV.	CK	1
2406150	I saw Tom on TV.	CK	1
39237	I'm tired of TV.	CK	1
288039	He is watching TV.	CK	1
1660849	Tom is watching TV.	Amastan	1
255126	I like watching TV.	CK	1
255108	I like to watch TV.	CK	1
248212	We are watching TV.	CK	1
388834	He likes watching TV.	CK	1
291890	He likes to watch TV.	CK	1
255117	I'd like to watch TV.	CK	1
39170	I'm just watching TV.	CK	1
2546265	Why don't you watch TV?	CK	1
316059	She has just turned twelve.	CK	1
2359086	I've been engaged twice.	CK	1
2359195	I've been married twice.	CK	1
2542105	You've saved Tom's life twice.	CK	1