English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 72

2255379	You'll need it.	CK	1
2255376	You'll make it.	CK	1
2255375	You'll love it.	CK	1
2255372	You'll like it.	CK	1
2255355	You'll find it.	CK	1
2254546	What caused it?	CK	1
2249814	Please stop it.	CK	1
2248421	I've solved it.	CK	1
2248372	I've earned it.	CK	1
2247695	I'll change it.	CK	1
2245365	Don't press it.	CK	1
2245313	Don't break it.	CK	1
2243070	They bought it.	CK	1
2241675	We've found it.	CK	1
2240197	Tom weighed it.	CK	1
2042296	Please wash it.	somekinda	1
2007904	Let's check it.	CK	1
1552236	Don't sweat it.	Spamster	1
433652	Don't touch it.	CK	1
33817	We'll paint it.	CK	1
16321	You've done it!	CK	1
2255426	You've found it.	CK	1
2248366	I've changed it.	CK	1
2243561	They'll like it.	CK	1
2243555	They'll find it.	CK	1
2241561	We'll chance it.	CK	1
2241700	We've stopped it.	CK	1
2769861	My eyes itch.	CK	1
2248036	I'm in jail.	CK	1
321631	I like jazz.	CK	1
2237170	Tom likes jazz.	CK	1
2203045	I'm jealous.	CK	1
2203046	We're jealous.	CK	1
2203048	You're jealous.	CK	1
2549743	Tom's a jerk.	CK	1
2254529	What a jerk!	CK	1
2235913	That's Tom's job.	CK	1
2659598	What's his job?	WestofEden	1
2951911	How's the job?	CK	1
1972630	Get a job.	CK	1
2245494	Find a job.	CK	1
2245282	Do your job.	CK	1
433521	It's my job.	CK	1
1897796	That's my job.	CK	1
2249312	It's their job.	CK	1
2235832	It's Tom's job.	CK	1
2234113	What's the job?	CK	1
245318	How's your job?	CK	1
1897832	That's your job.	CK	1
36809	What's your job?	CK	1