English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 703

1648359	Tom works on Wall Street.	Spamster	1
2276062	I don't have your strength.	CK	1
2273610	Tom is very strict.	CK	1
2986592	Tom just had a stroke.	CK	1
1497663	Tom started off strong.	Spamster	1
2011616	We want to be strong.	CK	1
2646376	Tom isn't that strong.	CK	1
2647936	Tom is very strong.	CK	1
2713569	You really are strong.	CK	1
3172191	Do you think you're strong?	CK	1
3183910	I think Tom is strong.	CK	1
3315019	Tom is big and strong.	CK	1
3319230	Tom's pulse is still strong.	CK	1
2273400	Tom is really strong.	CK	1
299535	He was small, but strong.	CK	1
2247989	I'm feeling stronger.	CK	1
2547858	I'll become stronger.	CK	1
319663	The wind grew stronger.	CK	1
2273555	Tom is the strongest.	CK	1
1524765	Tom did not struggle.	Spamster	1
2236224	Tom didn't struggle.	CK	1
2238793	Tom stopped struggling.	CK	1
2236863	Tom is struggling.	CK	1
3325403	Tom is quite stubborn.	CK	1
2647637	My zipper got stuck.	CK	1
424866	I'm a new student.	FeuDRenais	1
2546865	You're a good student.	CK	1
2647860	Tom was my student.	CK	1
2648348	Tom is my student.	CK	1
252287	I am a student.	CK	1
313016	She is a student.	CK	1
37077	Tom is a student.	CK	1
258994	I'm not a student.	CK	1
69521	Are you a student?	CK	1
2408201	I think they're students.	CK	1
2547056	These are my students.	CK	1
3311006	We're high school students.	CK	1
2236864	Tom is studious.	CK	1
400128	I need to study.	CK	1
2359773	I've got to study.	CK	1
2647290	Where did you study?	CK	1
261647	I have to study.	CK	1
36476	Why do you study?	CK	1
70172	When do you study?	CK	1
261644	I am studying.	CK	1
2236865	Tom is studying.	CK	1
537021	I hate studying.	tomkun01	1
68954	Are you studying?	CK	1
593278	He's now studying.	CK	1
1140185	I can't drink this stuff.	CK	1