English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 646

280067	Hand in your papers.	CK	1
2245862	I hate paperwork.	CK	1
2236807	Tom is paralyzed.	CK	1
2245307	Don't be paranoid.	CK	1
2248168	I'm not paranoid.	CK	1
1895568	You're so paranoid.	CK	1
1860470	Don't get paranoid.	CK	1
24940	I beg your pardon?	CK	1
2549316	I'm not a parent.	CK	1
2648868	Are you a parent?	CK	1
389523	He found his parents.	blay_paul	1
984500	How are your parents?	LittleBoy	1
1841530	Where are my parents?	CK	1
1879083	I hate my parents.	Spamster	1
1879084	I love my parents.	Spamster	1
2300087	I called Tom's parents.	CK	1
2645163	Where were your parents?	CK	1
2647076	These are my parents.	CK	1
2888312	I miss my parents.	Hybrid	1
3094211	Tom hates his parents.	CK	1
3330231	I hate Tom's parents.	CK	1
2549027	Obey your parents.	CK	1
59326	How big is this park?	CK	1
509218	We ran in the park.	blay_paul	1
2548581	Tom is in the park.	CK	1
2645674	We'll meet in the park.	CK	1
2647352	We were at the park.	CK	1
3312083	We'll run in the park.	CK	1
550613	I'll go to the park.	CK	1
2547523	Tom went to the park.	CK	1
2203168	I'm particular.	CK	1
2203165	We're particular.	CK	1
2203166	You're particular.	CK	1
2271385	Don't you like parties?	CK	1
2380201	I love beach parties.	CK	1
2359608	I've got a partner.	CK	1
2546867	You're a good partner.	CK	1
2547096	I'm Tom's new partner.	CK	1
2547657	I'm your new partner.	CK	1
2548382	I was Tom's partner.	CK	1
2635896	I need a partner.	meerkat	1
2647861	Tom was my partner.	CK	1
2273313	Tom is my partner.	CK	1
2953773	We should be partners.	CK	1
351807	When is the party?	human600	1
387385	Let's start the party.	CK	1
1461949	Tom missed the party.	Spamster	1
1886578	Who crashed the party?	CK	1
1894560	It's time to party.	CK	1
2011460	Who wants to party?	CK	1