English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 616

2011421	I want to see more.	CK	1
3181156	We need to talk more.	CK	1
433595	Please say it once more.	CK	1
2261912	How's Tom this morning?	CK	1
2405823	I said good morning.	CK	1
2644668	Where's Tom this morning?	CK	1
2645411	Tom called this morning.	CK	1
2646361	Tom left this morning.	CK	1
2829725	I cried all morning.	Hybrid	1
2649097	Tom is a moron.	CK	1
2237295	Tom looks mortified.	CK	1
2236776	Tom is mortified.	CK	1
936937	I hate mosquitoes.	akvo	1
2380242	I love you the most.	CK	1
2404168	I run a motel.	CK	1
276109	Who helps your mother?	CK	1
413771	This is my mother.	Scott	1
758900	I love my mother.	CK	1
1841498	You're not my mother.	CK	1
2547448	You're a good mother.	CK	1
2646526	That was Tom's mother.	CK	1
2647225	Are you their mother?	CK	1
2892871	Who is your mother?	CK	1
2236777	Tom is motionless.	CK	1
2123620	I'm motivated.	CK	1
2203094	We're motivated.	CK	1
2203092	You're motivated.	CK	1
2646743	What was your motive?	CK	1
68358	Look at that mountain.	CK	1
2547119	I'm still in mourning.	CK	1
2273234	Tom is in mourning.	CK	1
2301125	The cat caught a mouse.	CK	1
2544535	Tom trimmed his moustache.	CK	1
2647520	Tom has a moustache.	CK	1
240555	Please rinse out your mouth.	CK	1
1025510	Tom has a big mouth.	CK	1
2270514	Don't open your mouth.	CK	1
2644211	What's that in your mouth?	CK	1
2646442	Tom covered his mouth.	CK	1
2821638	Tom opened his mouth.	CK	1
3315074	You've got a big mouth.	CK	1
3315075	Tom's got a big mouth.	CK	1
293248	He has a big mouth.	CK	1
46813	The car didn't move.	CK	1
282379	The horse would not move.	CK	1
2273951	Why didn't Tom move?	CK	1
2273956	Why didn't you move?	CK	1
2280336	I'm going to move.	CK	1
2647558	Tom can barely move.	CK	1
2648407	Tom began to move.	CK	1