1173606 He was heartbroken. CK 1 2239800 Tom was heartbroken. CK 1 2237149 Tom laughed heartily. CK 1 258590 I can't stand the heat. CK 1 433760 I can't stand this heat. CK 1 462364 I can't take the heat. blay_paul 1 1075751 I don't mind the heat. CK 1 2258762 I don't like the heat. _undertoad 1 2546335 Tom turned up the heat. CK 1 2546336 Tom turned on the heat. CK 1 2273228 Tom is in heaven. CK 1 26701 It rained heavily. CK 1 274461 My legs feel heavy. CM 1 1894555 It's way too heavy. CK 1 2249171 It's pretty heavy. CK 1 2376056 I know it's heavy. CK 1 2648035 That must be heavy. CK 1 2764076 These books are heavy. CK 1 56922 This book is heavy. CK 1 1110791 I'm afraid of heights. Scott 1 2243113 They exchanged hellos. CK 1 3331061 You've got my helmet. CK 1 2869911 Go get your helmet. CK 1 17057 I don't need your help. CK 1 17302 I count on your help. Swift 1 63878 I'm glad I could help. CK 1 270407 The men cried for help. CK 1 306682 They asked for my help. CK 1 306856 They shouted for help. CK 1 462516 Thank you for your help. lukaszpp 1 1016256 I think we need help. Narda 1 1023869 Tom, I need your help. CK 1 1028283 Tom needs Mary's help. CK 1 1140001 You've been a great help. CK 1 1164396 Tom needs our help. CK 1 1553376 Tom asked for my help. CK 1 1841678 I just want to help. CK 1 1860500 Don't count on Tom's help. CK 1 1867987 Tom promised to help. CK 1 1888384 I wish I could help. CK 1 1890966 I'm calling for help. CK 1 1893865 We don't need your help. CK 1 1961639 I thought you might help. CK 1 2011444 Tom wants our help. CK 1 2011463 Do you want my help? CK 1 2011465 Do you want to help? CK 1 2011637 Do you want some help? CK 1 2011720 We still want to help. CK 1 2011751 Don't you want to help? CK 1 2011763 I don't want your help. CK 1