English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 535

2276546	It won't be that hard.	CK	1
2396217	I've worked very hard.	CK	1
2545637	You've worked very hard.	CK	1
2545644	You're working too hard.	CK	1
2645707	Tom worked really hard.	CK	1
2647219	Are you working hard?	CK	1
2955550	Tom always works hard.	CK	1
3126614	Tom trained very hard.	CK	1
3126616	Tom works very hard.	CK	1
3178546	That must've been hard.	CK	1
3178614	It's probably hard.	CK	1
3311108	We're all working hard.	CK	1
3313049	We all work too hard.	CK	1
293305	He works very hard.	CM	1
2280361	It wasn't that hard.	CK	1
1897773	That wasn't so hard.	CK	1
1887502	I know this is hard.	CK	1
298202	He works us too hard.	CM	1
2273055	Tom is breathing hard.	CK	1
313475	She was breathing hard.	CK	1
2891904	That makes it harder.	CK	1
3313048	We can try harder.	CK	1
295537	He deals in hardware.	CK	1
3172370	Are you hardworking?	CK	1
2202934	Tom is hardworking.	CK	1
2646904	Tom means us no harm.	CK	1
2646827	Tom was never harmed.	CK	1
2243664	They're pretty harmless.	CK	1
2243676	They're really harmless.	CK	1
2273379	Tom is quite harmless.	CK	1
3183884	I think Tom is harsh.	CK	1
2549133	I went to Harvard.	CK	1
2007779	Let's not be hasty.	CK	1
2270305	Don't be so hasty.	CK	1
253730	I don't like this hat.	CK	1
316983	She put on her hat.	CK	1
1092654	Tom took off his hat.	CK	1
2361344	I don't like your hat.	CK	1
2548559	Tom put on his hat.	CK	1
2647141	Isn't that Tom's hat?	CK	1
2956152	Tom bought a straw hat.	CK	1
3264679	Tom wants a new hat.	CK	1
2731059	Give me back my hat.	CK	1
288288	He took off his hat.	CK	1
38456	Please take off your hat.	CK	1
3168163	That's the one I hate.	CK	1
2881858	That house is haunted.	CK	1
1488464	Tom's house is haunted.	Spamster	1
931009	What snacks do you have?	CK	1
2387792	I need what you have.	CK	1