English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 531

2650834	I love hamburgers.	learnaspossible	1
436815	I need a hammer.	lukaszpp	1
3155632	Put down the hammer.	CK	1
39990	Please give me a hand.	CK	1
71972	They are out of hand.	CK	1
314874	She held out her hand.	CK	1
1028666	Tom held Mary's hand.	CK	1
1141176	Tom squeezed Mary's hand.	CK	1
1396057	Tom kissed Mary's hand.	Spamster	1
1867970	Tom reached out his hand.	CK	1
1960920	Tom grabbed Mary's hand.	CK	1
2007669	Let's give Tom a hand.	CK	1
2315183	Your dog bit my hand.	CK	1
2546318	Tom won the first hand.	CK	1
2547835	I'll give Tom a hand.	CK	1
2646312	Tom shook Mary's hand.	CK	1
2852141	Let go of my hand.	CK	1
2958761	Tom's dog licked his hand.	CK	1
3023712	Tom held out his hand.	CK	1
3024530	May I hold your hand?	CK	1
3024531	Can I hold your hand?	CK	1
3151363	Just give me a hand.	CK	1
3155750	Tom put out his hand.	CK	1
3313051	We could use a hand.	CK	1
3327500	Can you hold my hand?	CK	1
3327798	Can I shake your hand?	CK	1
1886073	Do you need a hand?	CK	1
971766	The dog bit my hand.	FeuDRenais	1
296678	He hurt his left hand.	CK	1
2646422	Tom grabbed Mary's hand.	CK	1
578929	She burned her left hand.	CK	1
282056	The cat scratched my hand.	CK	1
1764599	This is her handbag.	CK	1
2273227	Tom is in handcuffs.	CK	1
1024880	Tom is right-handed.	CK	1
40072	Just turn this handle.	CK	1
2248967	It'll be handled.	CK	1
50714	The two men shook hands.	CK	1
265929	Did you wash your hands?	CK	1
304708	He held up his hands.	CK	1
325639	Hold it with both hands.	CK	1
433499	Wash your face and hands.	CK	1
2515686	Leave it in my hands.	CK	1
2547950	Everyone shook hands.	CK	1
2891630	It's out of my hands.	CK	1
2958193	Tom stared at his hands.	CK	1
3121826	Tom looked at his hands.	CK	1
3130335	Let me see your hands.	CK	1
3327499	Can I see your hands?	CK	1
249158	We clapped our hands.	CK	1