English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 520

2549396	Everyone had fun.	CK	1
2645677	We'll have so much fun.	CK	1
2647578	This isn't much fun.	CK	1
2648003	This is not so fun.	CK	1
2669160	It was really fun.	Sc1ence	1
2891787	Now we'll have some fun.	CK	1
2953074	It was just for fun.	CK	1
3008751	I'm just having fun.	CK	1
3178547	That must've been fun.	CK	1
3178591	It must've been fun.	CK	1
2273197	Tom is having fun.	CK	1
2301502	Are you having fun?	Hybrid	1
36916	Playing cards is fun.	CK	1
306747	They are short of funds.	CK	1
1886650	When's the funeral?	CK	1
63592	Her hat looked funny.	CK	1
1553381	This milk smells funny.	CK	1
2248964	It'll be funny.	CK	1
2249169	It's pretty funny.	CK	1
2249213	It's really funny.	CK	1
2251197	That's pretty funny.	CK	1
2251230	That's really funny.	CK	1
2280401	That would be funny.	CK	1
2396133	I think you're funny.	CK	1
2407945	I think it's funny.	CK	1
2548898	You weren't funny.	CK	1
2646291	Tom thinks it's funny.	CK	1
2648174	You two are funny.	CK	1
2648195	Why is this funny?	CK	1
2648196	Why is that funny?	CK	1
2648528	How is that funny?	CK	1
2891913	That was so funny.	CK	1
2248738	It isn't funny.	CK	1
2248504	Isn't it funny?	CK	1
2248911	It wasn't funny.	CK	1
2244651	Isn't Tom funny?	CK	1
2236968	Tom isn't funny.	CK	1
2250112	That isn't funny.	CK	1
2248683	Isn't that funny?	CK	1
2239890	Tom wasn't funny.	CK	1
2218253	You aren't funny.	CK	1
1898076	This isn't funny.	CK	1
2249645	Nothing was funny.	CK	1
2218487	You're very funny.	CK	1
1897771	That wasn't funny.	CK	1
2218049	You're acting funny.	CK	1
1895577	You're really funny.	CK	1
2237249	Tom looks furious.	CK	1
2647907	Tom looked furious.	CK	1
1476577	I was furious.	Spamster	1