English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 478

2648576	Are you in danger?	CK	1
2648796	Is Tom in danger?	CK	1
2713670	We're out of danger.	CK	1
2273223	Tom is in danger.	CK	1
2243695	They're too dangerous.	CK	1
2248797	It sounds dangerous.	CK	1
2249319	It's too dangerous.	CK	1
2255135	You looked dangerous.	CK	1
3226379	I'm not dangerous.	CK	1
3226385	Tom seems dangerous.	CK	1
2248451	Is it dangerous?	CK	1
2248815	It was dangerous.	CK	1
2244591	Is Tom dangerous?	CK	1
1167519	Tom is dangerous.	CK	1
2239764	Tom was dangerous.	CK	1
2233667	This is dangerous.	CK	1
2234090	What's so dangerous?	CK	1
2007526	Let's play truth or dare.	CK	1
28441	Come home before dark.	CK	1
433381	It was very dark.	FeuDRenais	1
2249030	It's already dark.	CK	1
2249068	It's completely dark.	CK	1
2276100	I don't like the dark.	CK	1
2547663	I'm used to the dark.	CK	1
2646297	Tom stood in the dark.	CK	1
40300	It was getting dark.	CK	1
2891568	It's getting darker.	CK	1
2548023	We're not on a date.	CK	1
2647717	Did you have a date?	CK	1
322866	He had one daughter.	CK	1
2645166	Where was your daughter?	CK	1
2646104	Are you Tom's daughter?	CK	1
3168112	Tom had one daughter.	CK	1
261892	I have a daughter.	CK	1
61484	This is my daughter.	CK	1
284644	He has two daughters.	CK	1
305080	They have twin daughters.	CK	1
305084	They have two daughters.	CK	1
453185	I have two daughters.	FeuDRenais	1
1025297	Tom has three daughters.	CK	1
249592	We have two daughters.	CK	1
452768	He has three daughters.	FeuDRenais	1
249437	We got up at dawn.	CK	1
27409	It rained hard all day.	CK	1
319700	The wind blew all day.	CK	1
503842	Let's call it a day.	CK	1
1520865	Tom had a rough day.	Spamster	1
1543969	Tom called it a day.	Spamster	1
1799056	He had a bad day.	CK	1
1820304	I had a rough day.	Spamster	1