English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 469

2262191	Is Tom still coming?	CK	1
2272490	Tom won't be coming.	CK	1
2360764	I heard them coming.	CK	1
2406092	I saw that coming.	CK	1
2406108	I saw this coming.	CK	1
2645332	Tom knows what's coming.	CK	1
2645838	Tom knows we're coming.	CK	1
2646727	When are they coming?	CK	1
2646772	Well, are you coming?	CK	1
2648128	How are you coming?	CK	1
3199964	Tell them we're coming.	CK	1
3311132	We're glad you're coming.	CK	1
2406070	I saw it coming.	CK	1
2406124	I saw Tom coming.	CK	1
2236947	Tom isn't coming.	CK	1
276642	No one is coming.	CK	1
1868182	Tom is not coming.	CK	1
2215629	Tom will be coming.	CK	1
1886654	When is Tom coming?	CK	1
387474	Christmas is coming.	CK	1
2215693	Tom will keep coming.	CK	1
64536	Thank you for coming.	CK	1
2548272	I'm back in command.	CK	1
2549377	I was in command.	CK	1
2648350	Tom is in command.	CK	1
3151166	Who gave the command?	CK	1
673768	I have no comment.	darinmex	1
1093223	Tom made no comment.	CK	1
2240252	Tom wouldn't comment.	CK	1
2548508	We have no comment.	CK	1
2647957	Tom had no comment.	CK	1
2358677	I have a comment.	CK	1
2237142	Tom lacked commitment.	CK	1
2202659	Tom is committed.	CK	1
2249163	It's pretty common.	CK	1
2249352	It's very common.	CK	1
1273509	What's the commotion?	Scott	1
2243142	They have company.	CK	1
2255430	You've got company.	CK	1
3183590	I've got company.	CK	1
3172405	Are you competent?	CK	1
1524682	Tom is competent.	Spamster	1
2202666	I'm competitive.	CK	1
2202663	We're competitive.	CK	1
2202664	You're competitive.	CK	1
2236210	Tom didn't complain.	CK	1
2236232	Tom doesn't complain.	CK	1
2247410	I shouldn't complain.	CK	1
2334139	I hate to complain.	CK	1
2244586	Is Tom complaining?	CK	1