English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 394

1841477	Tom beat me up.	CK	1
442109	Prices went up.	CK	1
20530	The flag is up.	CK	1
19660	Let's hurry up.	CK	1
2271965	I won't give up.	CK	1
2271355	Don't tie me up.	CK	1
2262196	Is Tom still up?	CK	1
2249636	Nothing came up.	CK	1
2240581	We're giving up.	CK	1
2007883	Let's finish up.	CK	1
1877496	Tom is still up.	CK	1
1329863	I'm cracking up.	CK	1
887596	She woke him up.	CK	1
887442	She tied him up.	CK	1
285141	I called him up.	CK	1
255286	I called Tom up.	CK	1
64710	Please hurry up!	CK	1
41752	Just wrap it up.	CM	1
17347	Your time is up.	CK	1
2376427	I know what's up.	CK	1
2307047	Are you still up?	CK	1
2273638	Tom is worked up.	CK	1
2272056	It won't come up.	CK	1
2270515	Don't pick it up.	CK	1
2270507	Don't mess it up.	CK	1
2215726	Tom will show up.	CK	1
2215715	Tom will perk up.	CK	1
1543665	Can you stand up?	CK	1
54227	Come on, wake up.	CK	1
45261	The man stood up.	CK	1
16268	What woke you up?	CK	1
2007806	Let's pick Tom up.	CK	1
1013092	Don't wake him up.	shanghainese	1
594749	It won't clear up.	CK	1
442977	Please wrap it up.	CK	1
265926	Put your hands up!	CK	1
1192301	The wind picked up.	Talonmalon	1
285147	Please call him up.	Zifre	1
2236908	Tom is upbeat.	CK	1
2239717	Tom wants updates.	CK	1
2248189	I'm not upset.	CK	1
2549497	I'm still upset.	CK	1
2247529	I was upset.	CK	1
2245804	I got upset.	CK	1
2203557	Tom is upset.	CK	1
2239871	Tom was upset.	CK	1
2255206	You seem upset.	CK	1
1844223	Don't be upset.	CK	1
954770	You look upset.	CK	1
2255237	You sound upset.	CK	1