English Sentences with Audio, Sorted by Syllable Count
Page 392

2250982	That was unfair.	CK	1
2257412	That's so unfair.	CK	1
2243507	They were unfair.	CK	1
2236897	Tom is unfazed.	CK	1
2203508	You're unfriendly.	CK	1
2203511	I'm unhappy.	CK	1
2203509	We're unhappy.	CK	1
2107637	Tom's unhappy.	CK	1
2236899	Tom is unhurt.	CK	1
1723956	I'm uninsured.	Spamster	1
2203517	We're uninsured.	CK	1
2203515	You're uninsured.	CK	1
2233743	This is unique.	CK	1
2248894	It was unjust.	CK	1
3171108	Tom was unkind.	CK	1
2203520	Tom is unkind.	CK	1
2283749	It's unlikely.	CK	1
2111390	That's unlikely.	CK	1
2255464	Your door's unlocked.	CK	1
2248895	It was unlocked.	CK	1
2203525	I'm unlucky.	CK	1
2203522	We're unlucky.	CK	1
2203523	You're unlucky.	CK	1
2111389	That's unlucky.	CK	1
2549703	I'm unmarried.	CK	1
2236902	Tom is unmoved.	CK	1
2237341	Tom looks unnerved.	CK	1
2236903	Tom is unnerved.	CK	1
2203529	You're unpleasant.	CK	1
2203535	Tom is unreal.	CK	1
2107641	Tom's unstable.	CK	1
2237343	Tom looks unsure.	CK	1
2236906	Tom is unsure.	CK	1
2255129	You look unsure.	CK	1
2237732	Tom seems unsure.	CK	1
38565	Please don't get up.	CK	1
262193	I can't stand up.	CK	1
398493	I just got up.	FeuDRenais	1
676490	I just gave up.	Guybrush88	1
1117779	Can you get up?	Scott	1
1136869	I just woke up.	soj4l	1
1224673	I'll beat you up!	CK	1
1453550	I said shut up!	Spamster	1
1847321	Put your hands up.	MrShoval	1
1868115	Tom just showed up.	CK	1
1886684	What's the hold up?	CK	1
1890927	I'll pick Tom up.	CK	1
2245437	Everyone's up.	CK	1
2248981	It'll clear up.	CK	1
2272501	Tom won't give up.	CK	1